{{ :ps1.png?600 |}} //;#; **NOTE1:** Most common/up to date tools have their first cell highlighted green. The other tools are still fine, but are either superseded by newer tools, ;#;;#; are old versions, are no longer necessary or are uncommonly used by most modders. ;#;// //;#; **NOTE2:** The first four columns of the table are three phase sortable by clicking on the header! ;#;// ^ Tool Name ^ Download ^ Date ^ Author(s) ^ Info/Site ^ Short Description ^ | JAP PSX Tools | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2zmybz12twsrb0qmi3tkh/JAP-PSX-Tools.7z?rlkey=4ud20po1mrx81coepyu81il6a&raw=1|Misc]] | Misc | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various old Japanese PS1 tools | | Psicture | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tep0spkahbva9jwourtht/PSicture-v1.02.7z?rlkey=6dox6zwjaqjk15gq7oyrvle7a&raw=1|v1.02]] | 09/03/2003 | snailrush | [[https://www.zophar.net/utilities/psxutil/psicture.html|Info]] | Lets you view the pictures from many PS1 games | | @darkgreen:****Psound | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4hnkmjqt35a7822syc10o/PSound-v2.00.7z?rlkey=agjuhhe2gab90rj3fsirwua45&raw=1|v2.00]] | 06/20/2010 | snailrush | [[https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/679/|Info]] | Can play PSX sound files, and convert them into WAV | | @darkgreen:****PSTools | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7pfm5jxfrfeh7n1d7eaee/PSTools.7z?rlkey=t4i0go8caf97qs09o35jt9b2i&raw=1|Misc]] | 07/01/2000 | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various old PS1 tools | | PSXSND | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jwtxnfacmxav1wqea4vum/PSXSND-v1.0.7z?rlkey=dpl4pis24o5v3dbo7xworyut1&raw=1|v1.0]] | 02/25/2000 | SMON | [[https://www.ngemu.com/threads/psx-vag-audio-files-major-problem-desperate-for-help.22976/|Info]] | VAB Unpacker | | RSD Tool | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wsxsulwg71pe25r25cfdr/RSD-Tool-v0.8a.7z?rlkey=0ouamb36elkmd50awazjtr91q&raw=1|v0.8a]] | 10/27/1997 | Sony | [[https://wiki.ffrtt.ru/index.php/PSX/RSD|Info]] | Old model tool for PS1 | | @darkgreen:****STR Tools | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sqhvfs3up04n21sopknaf/STR-Tools.7z?rlkey=6hd359bwmfxu362c8p8zzubpe&raw=1|Misc]] | Misc | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various old tools for editing PS1 STR (movie) files | | @darkgreen:****TIM TOOLS | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/fsz68c1vyosyrita1bd57/TIM-TOOLS.7z?rlkey=3h54usn6ckwgmixjvun6w1v1a&raw=1|Misc]] | Misc | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various TIM related tools | | @darkgreen:****VB VAB VAG Tools | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wg37alr0uztzj2j55jgt7/VB-VAB-VAG-Tools.7z?rlkey=yxrncazqda6lc6i4jkglidpsc&raw=1|Misc]] | Misc | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various old VB/VAB/VAG tools for editing PS1 sounds | | @darkgreen:****XA Tools | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dl8mthcau07egec24eqr1/XA-Tools.7z?rlkey=kt8ib4gd0s07n4gwdt993bx80&raw=1|Misc]] | Misc | Misc | [[https://psx.arthus.net/tools/|Info]] | Various XA tools for editing PS1 XA/XAS voice files |