{{ :ps2.png?600 |}} //;#; **NOTE1:** Most common/up to date tools have their first cell highlighted green. The other tools are still fine, but are either superseded by newer tools, ;#;;#; are old versions, are no longer necessary or are uncommonly used by most modders. ;#;// //;#; **NOTE2:** The first four columns of the table are three phase sortable by clicking on the header! ;#;// ^ Tool Name ^ Download ^ Date ^ Author(s) ^ Info/Site ^ Short Description ^ | ELF Search Tool | [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ngncl6hbshct8hol6ht4/ELF-Search-Tool-1.05.7z?rlkey=9655d7tbaac28yph620wcep30&raw=1|v1.05]] | 08/25/2013 | pelvicthrustman | [[https://www.ps2-home.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6182|Info]] | Hex data search program for PS2 ELFs |