^ Instruction Name ^ Length ^ Example / Info ^ History ^ |{00} Nop | 01 |++00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x00 } Nop; This bytecode is used for alignment of 1-byte opcodes and ending ElseIf blocks.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{01} Evt_end | 02 |++01 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x01 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Evt_end; This bytecode ends the current Main/Sub script.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{02} Evt_next | 01 |++02++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x02 } Evt_next; This bytecode moves to the next event in the sequence.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{03} Evt_chain | 02 |++03 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x03 UCHAR NextEventId; // Event ID to chain to } Evt_chain; This bytecode chains the current event to the specified next event ID, allowing the script to continue execution from the linked event.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{04} Evt_exec | 04 |++04 ?? ?? ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x04 UCHAR data1; // Typically FF UCHAR GoSub; // Opcode for GoSub 0x18 UCHAR ScdId; // Sub Script ID to Jump to } Evt_exec; This bytecode executes the specified event with given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{05} Evt_kill | 02 |++05 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x05 UCHAR EventId; // Event ID to terminate } Evt_kill; This bytecode terminates the specified event.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{06} Ifel_ck | 04 |++06 00 SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x06 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check } Ifel_ck; This bytecode checks a condition and branches accordingly.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{07} Else_ck | 04 |++07 00 SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x07 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check } Else_ck; This bytecode specifies the size of the block to check if the corresponding Ifel_ck condition is met.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{08} Endif | 02 |++08 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x08 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Endif; This bytecode marks the end of an If/ElseIf/Else block.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{09} Sleep | 04 |++09 ?? CO NT++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x09 UCHAR Sleeping; // Opcode for Sleeping 0x0A USHORT Count; // Timer / Sleep Duration } Sleep; This bytecode pauses script execution for the specified duration.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0A} Sleeping | 03 |++0A CO NT++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0A USHORT Count; // Timer / Sleep Duration } Sleeping; This bytecode pauses script execution for the specified duration.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0B} Wsleep | 01 |++0B++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0B } Wsleep; This bytecode used before 0C will wait until the current XA sound has finished playing before proceeding.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0C} Wsleeping | 01 |++0C++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0C } Wsleeping; This bytecode used after 0B will wait until the current XA sound has finished playing before proceeding.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0D} For | 06 |++0D 00 SI ZE CO NT++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0D UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check USHORT Count; // Amount of times block is looped } For; This bytecode begins a for-loop with the specified start and end values.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0E} Next | 02 |++0E 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0E UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Next; This bytecode marks the end of a for-loop.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{0F} While | 04 |++0F 00 SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x0F UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check } While; This bytecode begins a while-loop that continues as long as the specified condition is true.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{10} Ewhile | 02 |++10 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x10 UCHAR LoopId; // ID of the while-loop to end } Ewhile; This bytecode ends the specified while-loop.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{11} Do | 04 |++11 00 SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x11 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check } Do; This bytecode begins a do-while loop that executes the loop body once before checking the condition.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{12} Edwhile | 02 |++12 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x12 UCHAR LoopId; // ID of the do-while loop to end } Edwhile; This bytecode ends the specified do-while loop.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{13} Switch | 04 |++13 ID SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x13 UCHAR SwitchId; // ID of the switch variable USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check } Switch; This bytecode begins a switch-case block with the specified switch variable and default size.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{14} Case | 06 |++14 00 SI ZE VA LU++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x14 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) USHORT Size; // Size of the block to check USHORT CaseValue; // Value to compare with the switch variable } Case; This bytecode defines a case within a switch-case block.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{15} Default | 02 |++15 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x15 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Default; This bytecode marks the default case in a switch-case block.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{16} Eswitch | 02 |++16 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x16 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Eswitch; This bytecode ends the switch-case block.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{17} Goto | 06 |++17 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x17 UCHAR Ifel_ctr; // Always 0xFF (or 0x01 on specific cases) UCHAR Loop_ctr; // Always 0xFF (or 0x00 on specific cases) UCHAR zAlign; // Always 0x00 SHORT Offset; // Relative Pointer, always references the same script } Goto; This bytecode jumps to the specified offset within the script.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{18} Gosub | 02 |++18 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x18 UCHAR SubroutineId; // ID of the subroutine to call } Gosub; This bytecode calls the specified subroutine.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{19} Return | 02 |++19 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x19 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Return; This bytecode returns from the specified subroutine.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1A} Break | 02 |++1A 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1A UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) } Break; This bytecode breaks out of the specified loop.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1B} For2 | 06 |++1B 00 XX XX 00 XX XX++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1B UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) SHORT StartValue; // Start value of the loop counter UCHAR zAlign2; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) SHORT EndValue; // End value of the loop counter } For2; This bytecode begins a for-loop with the specified start and end values.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1C} Break_point | 01 |++1C++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1C } Break_point; This bytecode sets a breakpoint for debugging purposes.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1D} Work_copy | 04 |++1D ?? ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1D UCHAR Source; // Source index UCHAR DestinationId; // Destination index UCHAR Typecast; // Typecast operation } Work_copy; This bytecode copies a value from the source index to the destination index with an optional typecast.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1E} Nop | 01 |++1E++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1E } Nop; This bytecode is used for alignment of 1-byte opcodes and ending ElseIf blocks.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{1F} Nop | 01 |++1F++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x1F } Nop; This bytecode is used for alignment of 1-byte opcodes and ending ElseIf blocks.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{20} Nop | 01 |++20++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x20 } Nop; This bytecode is used for alignment of 1-byte opcodes and ending ElseIf blocks.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{21} Ck | 04 |++21 ?? ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x21 UCHAR Flag; // System flag to check UCHAR Id; // Bit ID to check UCHAR OnOff; // On/Off state to check } Ck; This bytecode checks the specified system flag and bit ID for the given On/Off state.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{22} Set | 04 |++22 ?? ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x22 UCHAR Flag; // System flag to set UCHAR Id; // Bit ID to set UCHAR OnOff; // On/Off state to set } Set; This bytecode sets the specified system flag and bit ID to the given On/Off state.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{23} Cmp | 06 |++23 00 ID ?? VA LU++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x23 UCHAR zAlign; // Always 0x00 UCHAR MemberId; // Id of the member to compare UCHAR Operator; // Type of comparison SHORT Value; // Value to compare the member to } Cmp; This bytecode compares the specified system flag with the given value using the provided comparison operator.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{24} Save | 04 |++24 ID XX XX++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x24 UCHAR Destination; // Destination index SHORT Source; // Source value } Save; This bytecode saves the specified source value to the destination index.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{25} Copy | 03 |++25 ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x25 UCHAR Destination; // Destination index UCHAR Source; // Source index } Copy; This bytecode copies the value from the source index to the destination index.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{26} Calc | 06 |++26 00 ?? ?? VA LU++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x26 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) UCHAR Operator; // Arithmetic operation to perform UCHAR Flag; // Memory Location to apply math to SHORT Value; // Amount used in operation } Calc; This bytecode performs the specified arithmetic operation on the operands and stores the result.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{27} Calc2 | 04 |++27 ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x27 UCHAR Operator; // Type of operation UCHAR Flag; // F_atari, etc UCHAR Value; // Value to use in the operation } Calc2; This bytecode performs the specified arithmetic operation on the two operands and stores the result.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{28} Sce_rnd | 01 |++28++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x28 } Sce_rnd; This bytecode generates a random value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{29} Cut_chg | 02 |++29 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x29 UCHAR CutId; // ID of the cutscene } Cut_chg; This bytecode changes the current camera to the specified camera ID.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2A} Cut_old | 01 |++2A++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2A } Cut_old; This bytecode reverts to the previous camera.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2B} Message_on | 06 |++2B 00 ?? ?? SI ZE++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2B UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) UCHAR Type; // Message type UCHAR MessageId; // ID of the message to display USHORT DisplayTime; // Time to display the message } Message_on; This bytecode displays the specified message.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2C} Aot_set | 20 |++2C ID ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ SI ZE SI ZE ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2C CHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // Id UCHAR SAT; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X; // Position SHORT Z; // Position USHORT W; // Size USHORT D; // Size USHORT Data0; // Sce_Message / Flag Type / Always 0x00FF USHORT Data1; // Sce_Message / Flag Id / Script Id Init & Complete USHORT Data2; // Always 0xFFFF } Aot_set; This bytecode sets the properties of the specified AOT.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2D} Obj_model_set | 38 |++2D ?? ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? TI PE BE FL XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DX DX DY DY DZ DZ XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2D UCHAR MD1; // MD1 File Id UCHAR Id; // Global->Ob_model[].Id UCHAR Ccol_old; // CC_WORK structure UCHAR Ccol_no; // CC_WORK structure UCHAR Ctex_old; // CC_WORK structure UCHAR nFloor; // UCHAR Super; // USHORT Type; // Global->Ob_model[].Type USHORT BeFlag; // Global->Ob_model[].Be_flg SHORT Attribute; // Global->Ob_model[].Attribute SHORT X; // SHORT Y; // SHORT Z; // SHORT DirX; // SHORT DirY; // SHORT DirZ; // SHORT AtariOffsetX; // SHORT AtariOffsetY; // SHORT AtariOffsetZ; // SHORT AtariSizeX; // SHORT AtariSizeY; // SHORT AtariSizeZ; // } Obj_model_set; This bytecode sets the properties of the specified object model.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2E} Work_set | 03 |++2E ?? ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2E UCHAR Type; // Type of Work Set to Select UCHAR EntityId; // ID of Entity to select } Work_set; This bytecode sets the properties of the specified work (task).++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{2F} Speed_set | 04 |++2F ID ?? 00++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x2F UCHAR SpeedId; // ID of the speed setting USHORT SpeedValue; // Value of the speed setting } Speed_set; This bytecode sets the specified speed setting.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{30} Add_speed | 01 |++30++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x30 } Add_speed; This bytecode increments the speed setting.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{31} Add_aspeed | 01 |++31++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x31 } Add_aspeed; This bytecode increments the angular speed setting.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{32} Pos_set | 08 |++32 00 XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x32 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) SHORT PosX; // X position SHORT PosY; // Y position SHORT PosZ; // Z position } Pos_set; This bytecode sets the position in 3D space.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{33} Dir_set | 08 |++33 00 DX DX DY DY DZ DZ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x33 UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) SHORT DirX; // X direction SHORT DirY; // Y direction SHORT DirZ; // Z direction } Dir_set; This bytecode sets the direction in 3D space.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{34} Member_set | 04 |++34 ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x34 UCHAR Destination; // Destination SHORT Source; // Source } Member_set; This bytecode sets the properties of the specified member.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{35} Member_set2 | 03 |++35 ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x35 UCHAR Destination; // Destination UCHAR Source; // Source } Member_set2; This bytecode sets a single property of the specified member.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{36} Se_on | 12 |++36 ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x36 UCHAR VAB; // VAB Bank Id SHORT EDT; // EDT Sample Id SHORT data0; // Sound Reverberation, Work Aot/Obj No SHORT X; // Position SHORT Y; SHORT Z; } Se_on; This bytecode plays the specified sound effect with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{37} Sca_id_set | 04 |++37 ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x37 UCHAR iEntry; // SCA Collision Entry USHORT Id; // New Collision ID } Sca_id_set; This bytecode sets the specified scale ID to the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{38} Flr_set | 03 |++38 ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x38 UCHAR Id; UCHAR Flag; } Flr_set; This bytecode sets the specified floor ID to the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{39} Dir_ck | 08 |++39 00 XX XX ZZ ZZ ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x39 UCHAR zAlign; // 0x00 SHORT X; SHORT Z; SHORT Add; } Dir_ck; This bytecode checks the specified direction coordinates.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3A} Sce_espr_on | 16 |++3A 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DY DY++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3A UCHAR zAlign; // 0x00 USHORT data0; USHORT data1; USHORT data2; SHORT X; SHORT Y; SHORT Z; SHORT DirY; } Sce_espr_on; This bytecode turns on the specified espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3B} Door_aot_set | 32 |++3B ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ SI ZE SI ZE XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3B UCHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // Id /* tagSCE_AOT UCHAR SAT; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X; // Position SHORT Z; // Position USHORT W; // Size USHORT D; // Size */ tagSCE_AOT SHORT Next_pos_x; // */ tagIN_DOOR_WORK SHORT Next_pos_y; // SHORT Next_pos_z; // SHORT Next_cdir_y; // UCHAR Next_stage; // UCHAR Next_room; // UCHAR Next_cut; // UCHAR Next_nfloor; // UCHAR Dtex_type; // DO2 File Id UCHAR Door_type; // DO2 Animation Set UCHAR Knock_type; // Sound UCHAR Key_id; // UCHAR Key_type; // UCHAR Free; // */ tagIN_DOOR_WORK } Door_aot_set; This bytecode sets the specified door AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3C} Cut_auto | 02 |++3C ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3C UCHAR OnOff; // 00 OFF, 01 ON } Cut_auto; This bytecode sets the specified auto cutscene parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3D} Member_copy | 03 |++3D ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3D UCHAR Destination; // Destination UCHAR Source; // Source } Member_copy; This bytecode copies the specified member parameters from the source to the destination.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3E} Member_cmp | 06 |++3E 00 ?? ?? VA LU++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3E UCHAR zAlign; // Always Zero (Alignment byte) UCHAR Flag; // Load_member_addr_branch() argv[1] UCHAR Operator; // Comparison operator SHORT Value; // Value to compare } Member_cmp; This bytecode compares the specified member parameters with the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{3F} Plc_motion | 04 |++3F ID ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x3F UCHAR MotionId; // EDD/EMR Id UCHAR Mode; // Mode to set the motion to UCHAR Param; // Parameter for the motion } Plc_motion; This bytecode sets the specified motion parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{40} Plc_dest | 08 |++40 00 ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x40 UCHAR zAlign; // 0x00 UCHAR Animation; // EDD/EMR Id UCHAR Bit; // Room_flg SHORT X; // Destination SHORT Z; // Destination } Plc_dest; This bytecode sets the specified destination parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{41} Plc_neck | 10 |++41 ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x41 UCHAR Op; // SHORT X; // SHORT Y; // SHORT Z; // UCHAR SpeedX; // UCHAR SpeedZ; // } Plc_neck; This bytecode sets the specified neck parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{42} Plc_ret | 01 |++42++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x42 } Plc_ret; This bytecode returns from the specified plc function.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{43} Plc_flg | 04 |++43 00 ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x43 UCHAR zAlign; // 0x00 UCHAR data0; // UCHAR data1; // } Plc_flg; This bytecode sets the specified flag parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{44} Sce_em_set | 22 |++44 00 ?? ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DY DY ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x44 UCHAR Nop; // 0x00 CHAR Em_no; // Em_no UCHAR Id; // EMD File Id for Em_bin_load() function USHORT Type; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Sound_flg; // Sound_flg UCHAR Model_type; // Model_type UCHAR Em_set_flg; // Em_set_flg SHORT Pos_x; // Position X SHORT Pos_y; // Position Y SHORT Pos_z; // Position Z SHORT Cdir_y; // Rotation Y SHORT Motion; // Motion SHORT Ctr_flg; // Ctr_flg } Sce_em_set; This bytecode sets the specified enemy parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{45} Col_chg_set | 05 |++45 ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x45 UCHAR Data0; // Data0 UCHAR Data1; // Data1 UCHAR Data2; // Data2 UCHAR Data3; // Data3 } Col_chg_set; This bytecode sets the specified color parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{46} Aot_reset | 10 |++46 ID ?? ?? ?? XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x46 CHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // SCE UCHAR SAT; // SAT SHORT Data0; // Data0 SHORT Data1; // Data1 SHORT Data2; // Data2 } Aot_reset; This bytecode resets the specified AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{47} Aot_on | 02 |++47 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x47 CHAR Aot; // Aot } Aot_on; This bytecode turns on the specified AOT.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{48} Super_set | 16 |++48 00 ?? ID XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DX DX DY DY DZ DZ ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x48 UCHAR zAlign; // Alignment byte (always 0x00) UCHAR Work; // Work Type UCHAR Id; // Work Aot/Obj No SHORT pX; // Parent X SHORT pY; // Parent Y SHORT pZ; // Parent Z SHORT dX; // Destination X SHORT dY; // Destination Y SHORT dZ; // Destination Z } Super_set; This bytecode sets the specified super parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{49} Super_reset | 08 |++49 00 DX DX DY DY DZ DZ ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x49 UCHAR zAlign; // Alignment byte (always 0x00) SHORT dX; // Destination X SHORT dY; // Destination Y SHORT dZ; // Destination Z } Super_reset; This bytecode resets the specified super parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4A} Plc_gun | 02 |++4A ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4A UCHAR GunId; // ID of the gun to set } Plc_gun; This bytecode sets the specified gun parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4B} Cut_replace | 03 |++4B ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4B UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Value; // Value } Cut_replace; This bytecode replaces the specified cutscene parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4C} Sce_espr_kill | 05 |++4C ID ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4C UCHAR id; // Esp_kill() argv[0] UCHAR tp; // Esp_kill() argv[1] CHAR WorkKind; // Get_matrix() argv[0] CHAR WorkNo; // Get_matrix() argv[1] } Sce_espr_kill; This bytecode kills the specified espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4D} Door_model_set | 22 |++4D ?? ID ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DY DY ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4D UCHAR data0; // data0 UCHAR Id; // DOOR_WORK.Id UCHAR OfsY; // DOOR_WORK.Atd[3] UCHAR BeFlg; // DOOR_WORK.Be_flg UCHAR data5; // data5 USHORT data6; // data6 SHORT X; // DOOR_WORK.Atd[3] SHORT Y; // DOOR_WORK.Atd[3] SHORT Z; // DOOR_WORK.Atd[3] SHORT DirY; // DOOR_WORK.Atd[3] USHORT data10; // DOOR_WORK.MATRIX USHORT data11; // DOOR_WORK.MATRIX USHORT data12; // DOOR_WORK.MATRIX } Door_model_set; This bytecode sets the specified door model parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4E} Item_aot_set | 22 |++4E ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ SI ZE SI ZE ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4E UCHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // SCE UCHAR SAT; // SAT UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X; // X SHORT Z; // Z USHORT W; // W USHORT D; // D USHORT iItem; // iItem USHORT nItem; // nItem USHORT Flag; // Flag UCHAR MD1; // MD1 UCHAR Action; // Action } Item_aot_set; This bytecode sets the specified item AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{4F} Sce_key_ck | 04 |++4F ?? VA LU ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x4F UCHAR Flag; // Flag USHORT Value; // Value } Sce_key_ck; This bytecode checks the specified key parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{50} Sce_trg_ck | 04 |++50 ?? VA LU ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x50 UCHAR Flag; // Flag USHORT Value; // Value } Sce_trg_ck; This bytecode checks the specified trigger parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{51} Sce_bgm_control | 06 |++51 ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x51 UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Op; // Op UCHAR Type; // Type UCHAR VolL; // VolL UCHAR VolR; // VolR } Sce_bgm_control; This bytecode controls the specified BGM parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{52} Sce_espr_control | 06 |++52 ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x52 UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Type; // Type UCHAR Return; // Return CHAR WorkKind; // WorkKind CHAR WorkNo; // WorkNo } Sce_espr_control; This bytecode controls the specified espr parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{53} Sce_fade_set | 06 |++53 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x53 UCHAR data0; // data0 UCHAR data1; // data1 UCHAR data2; // data2 USHORT data3; // data3 } Sce_fade_set; This bytecode sets the specified fade parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{54} Sce_espr3d_on | 22 |++54 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DX DX DY DY DZ DZ ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x54 UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign USHORT data0; // data0 USHORT data1; // data1 USHORT data2; // data2 SHORT X; // X SHORT Y; // Y SHORT Z; // Z SHORT DirX; // DirX SHORT DirY; // DirY SHORT DirZ; // DirZ SHORT data3; // data3 } Sce_espr3d_on; This bytecode turns on the specified 3D espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{55} Member_calc | 06 |++55 ?? ?? ?? ?? VA LU ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x55 UCHAR Operator; // Operator USHORT Flag; // Flag SHORT Value; // Value } Member_calc; This bytecode performs the specified arithmetic operation on the member with the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{56} Member_calc2 | 04 |++56 ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x56 UCHAR Operator; // Operator UCHAR Flag; // Flag UCHAR Value; // Value } Member_calc2; This bytecode performs the specified arithmetic operation on the member with the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{57} Sce_bgmtbl_set | 08 |++57 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x57 UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR Stage; // Stage UCHAR Room; // Room USHORT data1; // data1 USHORT data2; // data2 } Sce_bgmtbl_set; This bytecode sets the specified BGM table parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{58} Plc_rot | 04 |++58 ID ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x58 UCHAR Id; // Id USHORT Sce_free0; // Sce_free0 } Plc_rot; This bytecode sets the specified rotation parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{59} Xa_on | 04 |++59 ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x59 UCHAR Mode; // Mode USHORT Number; // Number } Xa_on; This bytecode turns on the specified XA with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5A} Weapon_chg | 02 |++5A ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5A UCHAR WeaponId; // ID of the weapon to change } Weapon_chg; This bytecode changes the specified weapon parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5B} Plc_cnt | 02 |++5B ID ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5B UCHAR Id; // Id } Plc_cnt; This bytecode performs the specified arithmetic operation on the counter with the given value.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5C} Sce_shake_on | 03 |++5C ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5C CHAR Slide_ofs; // Slide_ofs CHAR Copy_ofs; // Copy_ofs } Sce_shake_on; This bytecode turns on the specified shake effect with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5D} Mizu_div_set | 02 |++5D ID ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5D UCHAR Id; // Id } Mizu_div_set; This bytecode sets the specified water division parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5E} Keep_Item_ck | 02 |++5E ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5E UCHAR ItemId; // ID of the item to check } Keep_Item_ck; This bytecode checks the specified item parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{5F} Xa_vol | 02 |++5F ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x5F UCHAR Volume; // XA volume level } Xa_vol; This bytecode sets the specified XA volume and pan parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{60} Kage_set | 14 |++60 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x60 UCHAR Work; // Work CHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Data0; // Data0 UCHAR Data1; // Data1 UCHAR Data2; // Data2 USHORT Data3; // Data3 USHORT Data4; // Data4 USHORT Data5; // Data5 USHORT Data6; // Data6 } Kage_set; This bytecode sets the specified shadow parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{61} Cut_be_set | 04 |++61 ID ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x61 UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Value; // Value UCHAR OnOff; // OnOff } Cut_be_set; This bytecode sets the specified cutscene parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{62} Sce_Item_lost | 02 |++62 ID++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x62 UCHAR ItemId; // ID of the lost item } Sce_Item_lost; This bytecode removes the specified item from the inventory.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{63} Plc_gun_eff | 01 |++63++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x63 } Plc_gun_eff; This bytecode sets the specified gun effect parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{64} Sce_espr_on2 | 16 |++64 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x64 UCHAR dir_y_id2; // dir_y_id2 USHORT data1; // data1 UCHAR WorkKind; // WorkKind UCHAR WorkNo; // WorkNo USHORT data3; // data3 SHORT X; // X SHORT Y; // Y SHORT Z; // Z USHORT DirY; // DirY } Sce_espr_on2; This bytecode turns on the specified espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{65} Sce_espr_kill2 | 02 |++65 ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x65 UCHAR EsprId; // ID of the effect sprite to kill } Sce_espr_kill2; This bytecode kills the specified espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{66} Plc_stop | 01 |++66++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x66 } Plc_stop; This bytecode stops the specified plc function.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{67} Aot_set_4p | 28 |++67 ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x67 UCHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // Id UCHAR SAT; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X0; // X0 SHORT Z0; // Z0 SHORT X1; // X1 SHORT Z1; // Z1 SHORT X2; // X2 SHORT Z2; // Z2 SHORT X3; // X3 SHORT Z3; // Z3 USHORT Data0; // Data0 USHORT Data1; // Data1 USHORT Data2; // Data2 } Aot_set_4p; This bytecode sets the specified 4-point AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{68} Door_aot_set_4p | 40 |++68 ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x68 UCHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // Id UCHAR SAT; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X0; // X0 SHORT Z0; // Z0 SHORT X1; // X1 SHORT Z1; // Z1 SHORT X2; // X2 SHORT Z2; // Z2 SHORT X3; // X3 SHORT Z3; // Z3 SHORT Next_pos_x; // Next_pos_x SHORT Next_pos_y; // Next_pos_y SHORT Next_pos_z; // Next_pos_z SHORT Next_cdir_y; // Next_cdir_y UCHAR Next_stage; // Next_stage UCHAR Next_room; // Next_room UCHAR Next_cut; // Next_cut UCHAR Next_nfloor; // Next_nfloor UCHAR Dtex_type; // Dtex_type UCHAR Door_type; // Door_type UCHAR Knock_type; // Knock_type UCHAR Key_id; // Key_id UCHAR Key_type; // Key_type UCHAR Free; // Free } Door_aot_set_4p; This bytecode sets the specified 4-point door AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{69} Item_aot_set_4p | 30 |++69 ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ XX XX ZZ ZZ ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x69 UCHAR Aot; // Aot UCHAR SCE; // Id UCHAR SAT; // Type UCHAR nFloor; // nFloor UCHAR Super; // Super SHORT X0; // X0 SHORT Z0; // Z0 SHORT X1; // X1 SHORT Z1; // Z1 SHORT X2; // X2 SHORT Z2; // Z2 SHORT X3; // X3 SHORT Z3; // Z3 USHORT iItem; // iItem USHORT nItem; // nItem USHORT Flag; // Flag UCHAR MD1; // MD1 UCHAR Action; // Action } Item_aot_set_4p; This bytecode sets the specified 4-point item AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6A} Light_pos_set | 06 |++6A 00 ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6A UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR Index; // Index UCHAR XYZ; // XYZ SHORT Position; // Position } Light_pos_set; This bytecode sets the specified light position parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6B} Light_kido_set | 04 |++6B ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6B UCHAR Index; // Index SHORT Luminosity; // Luminosity } Light_kido_set; This bytecode sets the specified light intensity and color parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6C} Rbj_reset | 01 |++6C++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6C } Rbj_reset; This bytecode resets the specified rbj parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6D} Sce_scr_move | 04 |++6D 00 XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6D UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign SHORT Scrl_y; // Scrl_y } Sce_scr_move; This bytecode moves the specified screen with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6E} Parts_set | 06 |++6E 00 ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6E UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign CHAR Id; // Id CHAR Type; // Type SHORT Value; // Value } Parts_set; This bytecode sets the specified parts parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{6F} Movie_on | 02 |++6F ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x6F UCHAR MovieId; // ID of the movie } Movie_on; This bytecode plays the specified movie.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{70} Splc_ret | 01 |++70++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x70 } Splc_ret; This bytecode returns from the specified splc function.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{71} Splc_sce | 01 |++71++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x71 } Splc_sce; This bytecode sets the specified splc parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{72} Super_on | 16 |++72 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x72 UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR data0; // data0 UCHAR data1; // data1 SHORT data2; // data2 SHORT data3; // data3 SHORT data4; // data4 SHORT data5; // data5 SHORT data6; // data6 SHORT data7; // data7 } Super_on; This bytecode turns on the specified super with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{73} Mirror_set | 08 |++73 ?? ?? XX XX XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x73 UCHAR Flag; // Flag USHORT Position; // Position USHORT Min; // Min USHORT Max; // Max } Mirror_set; This bytecode sets the specified mirror position parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{74} Sce_fade_adjust | 04 |++74 ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x74 UCHAR data0; // data0 SHORT data1; // data1 } Sce_fade_adjust; This bytecode adjusts the specified fade parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{75} Sce_espr3d_on2 | 22 |++75 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x75 UCHAR dir_y_id2; // dir_y_id2 USHORT bit; // bit USHORT data4; // data4 USHORT data6; // data6 USHORT data8; // data8 USHORT dataA; // dataA USHORT dataC; // dataC USHORT dataE; // dataE USHORT data10; // data10 USHORT data12; // data12 USHORT data14; // data14 } Sce_espr3d_on2; This bytecode turns on the specified 3D espr with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{76} Sce_Item_get | 03 |++76 ID ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x76 UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR Num; // Num } Sce_Item_get; This bytecode gets the specified item with the given quantity.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{77} Sce_line_start | 04 |++77 ID XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x77 UCHAR Id; // Id USHORT Value; // Value } Sce_line_start; This bytecode starts the specified line with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{78} Sce_line_main | 06 |++78 ID XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x78 UCHAR Id; // Id SHORT Data0; // Data0 SHORT Data1; // Data1 } Sce_line_main; This bytecode sets the specified line parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{79} Sce_line_end | 01 |++79 ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x79 } Sce_line_end; This bytecode ends the specified line.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7A} Sce_parts_bomb | 16 |++7A 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7A UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR data2; // data2 UCHAR data3; // data3 UCHAR data4; // data4 UCHAR data5; // data5 SHORT data6; // data6 SHORT data8; // data8 SHORT dataA; // dataA SHORT dataC; // dataC SHORT dataE; // dataE } Sce_parts_bomb; This bytecode bombs the specified parts with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7B} Sce_parts_down | 16 |++7B ID XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7B UCHAR Id; // Id SHORT X; // X SHORT Y; // Y SHORT Z; // Z SHORT cDirZ; // cDirZ SHORT DirX; // DirX SHORT DirY; // DirY SHORT DirZ; // DirZ } Sce_parts_down; This bytecode moves down the specified parts with the given parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7C} Light_color_set | 06 |++7C ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7C UCHAR Index; // Index UCHAR R; // R UCHAR G; // G UCHAR B; // B UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign } Light_color_set; This bytecode sets the specified light color parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7D} Light_pos_set2 | 06 |++7D ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7D UCHAR nCut; // nCut UCHAR Index; // Index UCHAR XYZ; // XYZ SHORT Position; // Position } Light_pos_set2; This bytecode sets the specified light position parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7E} Light_kido_set2 | 06 |++7E 00 ?? ?? XX XX ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7E UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR nCut; // nCut UCHAR Index; // Index USHORT Luminosity; // Luminosity } Light_kido_set2; This bytecode sets the specified light intensity and color parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{7F} Light_color_set2 | 06 |++7F ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x7F UCHAR nCut; // nCut UCHAR Index; // Index UCHAR R; // R UCHAR G; // G UCHAR B; // B } Light_color_set2; This bytecode sets the specified light color parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{80} Se_vol | 02 |++80 ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x80 UCHAR Volume; // Volume level } Se_vol; This bytecode sets the specified sound effect volume and pan parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{81} Keep_Item_ck2 | 03 |++81 ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x81 UCHAR ItemId; // ID of the item to check UCHAR Quantity; // Quantity of the item to check } Keep_Item_ck2; This bytecode checks the specified item parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{82} Sce_espr_task | 03 |++82 ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x82 CHAR WorkKind; // WorkKind CHAR WorkNo; // WorkNo } Sce_espr_task; This bytecode sets the specified espr task parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{83} Plc_heal | 01 |++83++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x83 } Plc_heal; This bytecode heals the specified plc function.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{84} St_map_hint | 02 |++84 ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x84 UCHAR DrModeTag; // DrModeTag } St_map_hint; This bytecode sets the specified map hint parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{85} Sce_em_pos_ck | 06 |++85 ?? ?? ?? ?? CO NT++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x85 UCHAR Id; // Id UCHAR data1; // data1 UCHAR Att; // Att USHORT Flg; // Flg } Sce_em_pos_ck; This bytecode checks the specified enemy position parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{86} Poison_ck | 01 |++86++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x86 } Poison_ck; This bytecode checks the specified poison parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{87} Poison_clr | 01 |++87++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x87 } Poison_clr; This bytecode clears the specified poison parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{88} Sce_Item_lost2 | 03 |++88 ID ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x88 UCHAR ItemId; // ID of the item UCHAR Quantity; // Quantity of the item } Sce_Item_lost2; This bytecode removes the specified item from the inventory.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{89} Evt_next2 | 01 |++89++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x89 } Evt_next2; This bytecode moves to the next event in the sequence.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{8A} Vib_set0 | 06 |++8A 00 ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x8A UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign USHORT data0; // data0 USHORT data1; // data1 } Vib_set0; This bytecode sets the specified vibration parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{8B} Vib_set1 | 06 |++8B ID VA LU VA LU++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x8B UCHAR Id; // Vibration ID USHORT Value1; // Vibration Value 1 USHORT Value2; // Vibration Value 2 } Vib_set1; This bytecode sets the specified vibration parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{8C} Vib_fade_set | 08 |++8C 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x8C UCHAR zAlign; // zAlign UCHAR data0; // data0 UCHAR data1; // data1 USHORT data2; // data2 USHORT data3; // data3 } Vib_fade_set; This bytecode sets the specified vibration fade parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{8D} Item_aot_set2 | 24 |++8D ID ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? XX XX ZZ ZZ WW WW DD DD ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x8D UCHAR Aot; // Id UCHAR SCE; // Type (0x02) UCHAR SAT; // Atari UCHAR nFloor; // Height UCHAR Super; // Matrix SHORT X; // Position SHORT Z; // Position USHORT W; // Size USHORT D; // Size USHORT iItem; // Item Id USHORT nItem; // Item Amount USHORT Flag; // argv[1] for Flg_on() and Flg_ck() UCHAR MD1; // MD1 File Id - 0xFF if no MD1 UCHAR Action; // Predefined action taken to obtain UCHAR data16; // UCHAR data17; // } Item_aot_set2; This bytecode sets the specified item AOT parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added | |{8E} Sce_em_set2 | 24 |++8E 00 ID ?? ?? SI ZE ?? ?? ?? XX XX YY YY ZZ ZZ DY DY ?? ?? ?? ??++|\\ typedef struct { UCHAR Opcode; // 0x8E UCHAR zAlign; // Alignment byte, always zero UCHAR Aot; // UCHAR EMD; // USHORT Type; // UCHAR nFloor; // UCHAR SeType; // UCHAR ModelType; // UCHAR EmSetFlg; // SHORT X; // SHORT Y; // SHORT Z; // SHORT DirY; // USHORT Timer0; // USHORT Timer1; // USHORT data16; // } Sce_em_set2; This bytecode sets the specified enemy parameters.++| 08-02-2024 Newly Added |