{{ :survivor.png?600 |}} ;#; Voice File Index, by Mechanical Paladin ;#; \\ \\ ^ File name ^ Location ^ Cutscene ^ Speaker(s) ^ Dialogue ^ Notes ^ | ..\M\CAPCOM30.STR[0.0].wav | Game boot | Capcom logo. | | | FMV. Capcom jingle plays. | | ..\M\CAPCOM30.STR[0.1].wav | Game boot | Capcom logo. | | | FMV. Silence. | | ..\M\CHANGE12.STR[0.0].wav | Plant B3: 'T' Corridor | Hypnos Tyrant mutates to its second form. | | | FMV. | | ..\M\CHANGE23.STR[0.0].wav | Heliport: Helipad | Hypnos Tyrant mutates to its third form. | | | FMV. | | ..\M\DEMO11.STR[0.0].wav | Hospital 1F / Reception | Vincent still alive. | Vincent | Vincent: Ha ha ha ha! I won't allow you to escape. You're going to pay for what you've done! Ha ha ha! What? Helicopter? No! The Cleaners have already arrived? Hmm.. They must want this mess taken care of very quickly. | FMV. | | ..\M\DEMO27_1.STR[0.0].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Monitor Room | Girl on monitor. | Ark | Ark: Hello! Can you hear me!? Who are you!? Wh-what are you doing!? Answer me! | FMV. | | ..\M\DEMO41_1.STR[0.0].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | Hunter attacks Lott. | | | FMV. Hunter makes noises, no dialogue. | | ..\M\DEMO43_1.STR[0.0].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Flashback. | Ark, Vincent | Ark: That's right! At the request of my friend, Leon S. Kennedy, I came here to investigate. Oh yes! I remember! I remember everything! Vincent: Tell me the truth! You are a spy! Aren't you!? Ark: Yes, I'm not Vincent, I'm Ark! | FMV. | | ..\M\DEMO4142.STR[0.0].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Andy, Ark, Lott, Vincent | Ark: Lott! Lott: I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Ark: What're you talking about? It's not your fault. Vincent is the one who caused everything. Well, I mean, I'm.. Lott: You? What'd you mean? You're the detective. Your name is Ark Thompson! Ark: What!? Really? I'm not Vincent? Then why did you run away from me? Lott: Because I'm the one who told Vincent about you. Vincent: What? A Spy? Hmm.. Thank you. You are a good boy, Lott. | FMV. | | ..\M\DEMOHANK.STR[0.0].wav | Amusement Arcade 1F / Arcade | Cleaners arrive. | UT Commander | UT Commander: Remember your mission! We're doing a clean sweep of the area! Everyone and everything must be cleansed! Now move out! | FMV. | | ..\M\ENDING.STR[0.0].wav | Heliport / Helipad | Ending. | Ark, Lily, Lott, Umbrella System | Lott: Hurry! Umbrella System: Ten seconds to detonation. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lott: We're safe. Ark: It can't be! Get down! Lott: What're we gonna do, mister? Lily: Yeah, what're we gonna do? Ark: Heh.. I don't know, but don't worry. We can fly as long as we have fuel. | FMV. | | ..\M\OPENING.STR[0.0].wav | After prologue. | Opening. | Ark, Vincent | Vincent: You're not going to get away! Hyaagh! Ark: *Cries in pain* | FMV. | | ..\X\BGM_32.STR[0].wav | New game started. | Prologue. | Narrator | Narrator: In 1998 a disaster struck the quiet mid-western residence of Raccoon City. An uncontrollable outbreak of the Umbrella created T-virus transformed the city into an inescapable death trap. To stop the outbreak from spreading, Umbrella incorporated was forced to wipe out the entire city. However, this was not the only location where an outbreak occurred... | | | ..\X\XAFF.STR[0].wav | | Credits. | | | Credits song plays. | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[0].wav | Street Area / Helicopter Crash | Crash site. | Ark | Ark: Where.. Where am I? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[1].wav | Street Area / Helicopter Crash | Crash site. | Ark | Ark: Ough.. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[2].wav | Street Area / Helicopter Crash | Crash site. | Ark | Ark: I.. I don't remember anything. Who am I? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[3].wav | Street Area / Small Alleyway | Back alley. | Ark | Ark: You.. You look familiar, but.. Ohh, umm.. But I just can't remember. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[4].wav | Street Area / Small Alleyway | Back alley. | Ark | Ark: Ark Thompson huh? Though I can't remember anything, I know that this was no way for anyone to die. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE05.STR[5].wav | Street Area / Small Alleyway | Back alley. | Ark | Ark: W-what!? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE09.STR[0].wav | Street Area / North Street | Bridge. | Andy | Andy: V-Vincent... | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE09.STR[1].wav | Street Area / North Street | Bridge. | Ark | Ark: Who is this? Vincent? Who's that? Wait.. Am I Vincent? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE09.STR[2].wav | Street Area / North Street | Bridge. | Andy | Andy: Vincent, you are a murderer! A murderer! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE09.STR[3].wav | Street Area / North Street | Bridge. | Ark | Ark: A murderer? What're you talking about!? Answer me! Who did a kill!? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE10A.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: What's going on here? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE12A.STR[0].wav | Amusement Arcade 1F / Arcade | Cleaners kill two zombies. | Ark | Ark: What's that? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE12A.STR[1].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: Hoh! (startled) | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE13B.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: What's that? A helicopter? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE13B.STR[1].wav | Amusement Arcade 1F / Arcade | Cleaners arrive. | UT Commander | UT Commander: Remember your mission! We're doing a clean sweep of the area! Everyone and everything must be cleansed! Now move out! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE13B.STR[2].wav | Amusement Arcade 1F / Arcade Storage Room | Andy fires. | Ark | Ark: Wha.. What the? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE13B.STR[3].wav | Amusement Arcade 1F / Arcade Storage Room | Andy fires. | Andy | Andy: Die Vincent! Die! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[0].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Ark | Ark: Who are you? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[1].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Andy | Andy: Wha.. What are you talking about, Vincent? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[2].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Ark | Ark: What did you call me!? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[3].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Andy | Andy: Please, don't kill me! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[4].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Andy | Andy: Helicopter? Vincent! This is all your fault! You made them send those Cleaners to destroy this place! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[5].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Ark | Ark: Cleaners? What'd you mean? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE14C.STR[6].wav | Library 1F / Main Hall | Meet Andy. | Ark | Ark: Wait! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE15C.STR[0].wav | Library 2F / Library 2F | Andy's trap. | Ark | Ark: What? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE15C.STR[1].wav | Library 2F / Library 2F | Andy's trap. | Andy | Andy: Hahaha! It's such a shame that you must die here, Vincent. After all, this is the type of place where a cold blooded murderer should die! Hahahaha! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[0].wav | South Sewer / Janitor's Quarters | Meet Lott. | Ark | Ark: A picture? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[1].wav | South Sewer / Janitor's Quarters | Meet Lott. | Ark | Ark: No.. This is me! I am Vincent! It was all my fault! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[2].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: That man was Andy. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[3].wav | South Sewer / Janitor's Quarters | Meet Lott. | Ark | Ark: Who are you? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[4].wav | South Sewer / Janitor's Quarters | Meet Lott. | Lott | Lott: W-wait! Please don't kill me! I.. I didn't know anything about you then! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[5].wav | South Sewer / Janitor's Quarters | Meet Lott. | Ark | Ark: Stop! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE18.STR[6].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: He didn't know.. Didn't know what? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE24C.STR[0].wav | North Sewer / Metal Passage | Andy locks the Metal Passage door. | Andy | Andy: Hehehe.. HAHAHAHA! Die Vincent! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE25.STR[0].wav | City Area 1F / Umbrella Building Courtyard | Umbrella Building. | Ark | Ark: Umbrella.. So this where the city is controlled from. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE25.STR[1].wav | City Area 1F / Umbrella Building Courtyard | Umbrella Building. | Ark | Ark: Ugh! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE25.STR[2].wav | City Area 1F / Umbrella Building Courtyard | Umbrella Building. | Ark | Ark: Oh.. Ugh! What's happening to me? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE29.STR[0].wav | Gutter / Gutter Section A | Lily and Lott jump to the gutter. | Ark | Ark: Hey! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[0].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Message for Vincent. | Ark | Ark: What? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[1].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Message for Vincent. | Mrs. Goldman | Mrs. Goldman: Vincent? It's me, your mother. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[2].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Message for Vincent. | Ark | Ark: My mother? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[3].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Message for Vincent. | Mrs. Goldman | Mrs. Goldman: Vincent please, listen to your mother. I want to leave Umbrella. I want you to stop performing those terrible crimes and just come back home! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[4].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lily | Lily: *screams* | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[5].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lily | Lily: Stop it! Let me go! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[6].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Ark | Ark: Shh.. Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. What is the tape you're listening to? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE281.STR[7].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lily | Lily: I-I don't know! I was only listening to it because I was so bored! My brother told me to wait here. Oh, let me go! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[0].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Ark | Ark: Your brother? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[1].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lott | Lott: Leave her alone! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[2].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lott | Lott: Lily, run! Go! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[3].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lily | Lily: Lott! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[4].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Ark | Ark: Put that down! I won't harm you! I promise. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[5].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Lott | Lott: Liar! You'll kill me if I drop it! I'm not stupid! Now stay back! Don't come any closer! | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[6].wav | Umbrella Building 13F / Surveilance Room | Siblings. | Ark | Ark: I know you think that I'm a murderer, but you're wrong! I would never do anything like that. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE282.STR[7].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: What's this? | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE283.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: So, they've been recording conversations for evidence. | | | ..\X\VC\SCENE283.STR[1].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: Am I on this island? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE33.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: Lott's bat. What happened to him? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE37C.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Andy | Andy: *laughs* | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE39.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: Ugh! My head! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE39.STR[1].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: W-wait, what!? This is me? Ark Thompson? Wha.. What's going on? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE39.STR[2].wav | Mansion / Main Hall | Ark hears Lott's scream coming from the basement. | Lott | Lott: Aah! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE39.STR[3].wav | Mansion / Main Hall | Ark hears Lott's scream coming from the basement. | Ark | Ark: Lott! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE41.STR[0].wav | Plant B3 / Production Room | Tyrant Culture Chamber. | Ark | Ark: They're creating these monsters on this island! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE41.STR[1].wav | Plant B3 / Production Room | Tyrant Culture Chamber (T-103 defeated). | Lott | Lott: Aah! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE41.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | Lott in crisis. | Ark | Ark: Lott! | Files play in order 3,2,4. | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE41.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | Lott in crisis. | Lott | Lott: Help! | Files play in order 3,2,4. | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE41.STR[4].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | Lott in crisis. | Ark | Ark: Hang on! | Files play in order 3,2,4. | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE45A.STR[0].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: Where.. Where.. Where are they coming from? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE45A.STR[1].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Vincent. | Ark | Ark: Guh! Vincent! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE45A.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Vincent. | Vincent | Vincent: If it wasn't for you, I could have completed my mission. Umbrella was going to take care of me, but you had to go and screw it all up! Now you're going to pay! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE45A.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Vincent. | Vincent | Vincent: No.. Ugh.. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE46B.STR[0].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills UT Commander. | Ark | Ark: Who? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE46B.STR[1].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills UT Commander. | UT Commander | UT Commander: I can't belive you're not dead yet! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE46B.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills UT Commander. | Ark | Ark: You're human! You must be the leader of the Cleaner unit sent by Umbrella to destroy the evidence of this biohazard! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE46B.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills UT Commander. | UT Commander | UT Commander: Whatever! I don't time for your pathetic games! I've already set the self destruction system. This island will be gone in manner of minutes! AdiĆ³s, Ark! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE46B.STR[4].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills UT Commander. | UT Commander, UT | UT: Ough! This cant be! Aargh, ough.. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE47C.STR[0].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Andy. | Ark | Ark: Andy! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE47C.STR[1].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Andy. | Andy | Andy: I'll kill you, Vincent! Hahaha! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE47C.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Andy. | Ark | Ark: I'm not Vincent! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE47C.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Andy. | Andy | Andy: Liar! Who else could you be? You are Vincent! You're a murderer! Now die! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE47C.STR[4].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Hypnos-T kills Andy. | Andy | Andy: W-why? Ough.. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE48.STR[0].wav | Subway / Train Platform A / Train Platform B | Process of escape. | Lott | Lott: Mister! | Also used in Train Platform B. | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE48.STR[1].wav | Subway / Train Platform A | Process of escape. | Ark | Ark: Get on the train, hurry! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE48.STR[2].wav | Subway / Train Platform A | Process of escape. | Umbrella System | Umbrella: Five minutes to detonation. All personnel evacuate immediately. Repeat, all personnel evacuate immediately. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE49.STR[0].wav | Heliport / Helipad | Reunion. | Ark | Ark: Get in the helicopter! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE49.STR[1].wav | Heliport / Helipad | Reunion. | Ark | Ark: It's still alive!? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[0].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Where's your brother, Lott? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[1].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Lily | Lily: Please, you have to save my brother! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[2].wav | UNUSED | | Ark | Ark: What? What'd you mean? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[3].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Lily | Lily: He said.. he's going to the factory by the ropeway. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[4].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: Factory? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[5].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Lily | Lily: He told me that he could find a way to escape from this place inside the factory. But there are tons and tons of scary monsters there! I know that if he goes there he's going to be killed! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[6].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: What!? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE321.STR[7].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Lily | Lily: *cries* Please, we've already lost mom and dad. You've got to help my brother, please! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE322.STR[0].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: I promise. Don't cry anymore, Lily. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE322.STR[1].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: I may have been a bad person, but that was before! That's not who I am now. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE322.STR[2].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: I will save these two kids. I swear it! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE322.STR[3].wav | Lott's House / Kid's Bedroom | Finding Lily. | Ark | Ark: Lily, you hide here. I'll go find your brother and then come back for you. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[0].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Ark | Ark: So then I'm Ark and not Vincent! | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[1].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Umbrella System | Umbrella System: The self destruction system has been activated. This island will self destruct in ten minutes. All the personnel must evacuate immediately. Repeat, all the personnel evacuate immediately. | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Ark | Ark: Lott, do you know of any way to get off this island? | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Lott | Lott: My dad told me that there's a railway up ahead from here. | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[4].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Ark | Ark: A railway station? | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[5].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Lott | Lott: I head that it runs underground. | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[6].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Ark | Ark: Ok, we'll use that. Let's go get Lily. | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE431.STR[7].wav | UNUSED | | Lott | Lott: Watch out! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[0].wav | Plant B3 / Raised Platform | The truth. | Ark | Ark: Go ahead, hurry! We'll meet at the station! | Plays after DEMO4142 in following order SCENE431(0,2,3,4,5,6), SCENE432(0), SCENE431(1).| | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[1].wav | UNUSED | | Lott | Lott: Hng.. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[2].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Flashback. | Ark | Ark: That's right! At the request of my friend, Leon S. Kennedy, I came here to investigate. | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[3].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Flashback. | Ark | Ark: Oh yes! I remember! I remember everything! | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[4].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Flashback. | Vincent | Vincent: Tell me the truth! You are a spy! Aren't you!? | | | ..\X\VC2\SCENE432.STR[5].wav | Plant B3 / 'T' Corridor | Flashback. | Ark | Ark: Yes! I'm not Vincent, I'm Ark! | |