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Sound File Index, by Mechanical Paladin

File name Audio Source Usage Location used and notes
40S&W.WAV Cutscene Sound of Albert's gun when he shoots Rebecca. Laboratory B4 Main Lab Entry
A_MCN03.WAV Handgun Bullet case hits floor.
AQUARIUM.WAV SFX Aquarium drains. Mansion 2F: Study
BATHMIX.WAV SFX Bathtub draining.
BATTERY.WAV SFX Elevator battery set. Courtyard: Falls
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel
BEE_FUMU.WAV Wasp Wasp stomped.
BEE4_ED.WAV Wasp Wasp attack.
BEEP.WAV SFX Keypad puzzle. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage
Bgm_00.wav BGM Name: At Deep Mountains And Dark Valleys, The Night Begins Main Hall 1F
BGM_02.WAV BGM Name: Disappearance Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert disappeared.
BGM_04.WAV BGM Name Terror Pt.2 (Death Trap) Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Trap activated.
BGM_05.WAV BGM Name: Terror Pt.1 (Zombie) Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter the first zombie.
BGM_07.WAV BGM Name: Waking The Dead Mansion 1F: Large Gallery / Painting puzzle solved.
BGM_08.WAV BGM Name: Terror Pt. 4 (Yawn) Mansion 2F: Attic / Lesson Room / Yawn battle theme.
BGM_09.WAV BGM Name: Death Trap Mansion 2F
BGM_0A.WAV BGM Name: Bloody Evening (The Balcony) Mansion 2F: Terrace Entry / Terrace
BGM_0B.WAV Cutscene Name: Discovery Of Forest Mansion 2F: Terrace / Discovered Forest's body
BGM_0C.WAV Cutscene Name: Sigh Of Relief Mansion 1F revisited: Mansion Save Room / Meeting Rebecca.
BGM_0E.WAV BGM Name: Vacant Flat Music that plays in the Guardhouse's rooms.
BGM_0F.WAV Cutscene Name: A Testator Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Gave Richard serum.
BGM_10.WAV Cutscene Moonlight Sonata (wrong) Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca tries to play the piano.
BGM_11.WAV BGM Moonlight Sonata (wrong) Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca practicing the piano.
BGM_12.WAV Cutscene Moonlight Sonata (wrong) Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
BGM_13.WAV BGM Name: The One Whoe Survives Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Waking up.
BGM_14.WAV Cutscene Name: Terror Pt. 3 (Richard) Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Meeting Richard
BGM_15.WAV Cutscene Richard is dead Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Richard found dead
BGM_16.WAV BGM Name: Ivies Domain Music that plays in corridors of the Guardhouse.
BGM_17.WAV BGM Name: Flooded Corridor (Cold Water) Guardhouse B1
BGM_18.WAV BGM Name: The Night Continues Mansion 1F revisited
BGM_19.WAV BGM Name: Queer Structure Mansion 2F revisited
BGM_1A.WAV BGM Name: Narrow and Close Mansion B1
BGM_1B.WAV BGM Name: Dark Underground Maze Underground
BGM_1C.WAV Cutscene Name: Concealed Passage Underground: Boulder Passage 1 / Survived the boulder trap.
BGM_1D.WAV BGM Name: The Depth (Far From The Sun) Laboratory B1 / B2
BGM_1E.WAV BGM Name: Concrete Bound Laboratory B3
BGM_1F.WAV BGM Moonlight Sonata (wrong) Mansion 1F: Tea Room / Rebecca playing piano in the Bar.
BGM_20.WAV BGM Name: ? (just one instrument sample that loops) Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Plays when Tyrant is still in it’s tank.
BGM_23.WAV BGM Name: Black Tiger Underground: Black Tiger Room
Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room (Chris's scenario).
BGM_24.WAV BGM Name: The Ultimate Lifeform Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Tyrant battle theme.
BGM_24A.WAV BGM Name: The Ultimate Lifeform 1/2 Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED
BGM_24B.WAV BGM Name: The Ultimate Lifeform 2/2 Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED
BGM_25.WAV BGM Name: Tyrant Courtyard: Heliport / Tyrant battle theme.
BGM_26.WAV BGM Name: Am I Poisoned? Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Poisoned by Yawn.
BGM_28.WAV Cutscene Name: Vines Of Wrath Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Grabbed by Plant 42.
BGM_29.WAV Cutscene Name: Unexpected Crisis (The Nimble One) Mansion 1F: Back Passage/ After killing the first hunter, Rebecca screams.
BGM_2B.WAV Cutscene Moonlight Sonata Mansion 1F: Bar
BGM_2C.WAV Cutscene Name: A Testator Pt. 2 Mansion 2F: Small Library / Rebecca is killed by a Hunter.
BGM_2D.WAV Cutscene Name: Disclosed Secret Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / Slide projector used.
BGM_2E.WAV Cutscene Name: Double-Crosser Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Albert turned out to be a traitor.
BGM_2F.WAV Cutscene Name: ? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Wesker shot Rebecca.
BGM_30.WAV BGM Name: 5 Minutes Until Explosion! Laboratory / Starts playing after the triggering system announcement has been made.
BGM_31.WAV BGM Name: Peace Of Mind Save Room theme
BGM_32.WAV Cutscene Name: “I'll just go and get some fresh air and
Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
BGM_33.WAV Cutscene Name: Wesker?! Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Ran into Albert.
BGM_34.WAV Cutscene Name: Researcher’s Will Mansion 2F: Study / Jill runs into Barry.
BGM_36.WAV Cutscene Name: ? Mansion 2F: Lesson Room / Barry dropped the rope.
BGM_37.WAV BGM Name: Trust Or Not? Underground: Branched Passage / Jill runs into Barry.
BGM_38.WAV Cutscene Name: Requiem Pt. 1 Underground: Branched Passage / After Barry went ahead and Jill heard his gun go off.
BGM_3A.WAV Cutscene Name: Requiem Pt. 2 Underground: Underground Entry / Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Barry died.
BGM_3B.WAV Cutscene Name: Requiem Pt. 3 Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry knocks out Wesker.
BGM_3D.WAV Cutscene Name: Rebecca In Peril Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Mansion 2F: Small Library / Rebecca is attacked by a Hunter.
BGM_3E.WAV BGM Name Beta Track 04 UNUSED
BGM_3F.WAV Cutscene Name: ? Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Saved Rebecca from a Hunter.
BGM_40.WAV Cutscene Name: Beta Track 02 [Stinger] UNUSED
BGM_48.WAV BGM Name: Beta track 08 [Stinger] UNUSED
BGM_49.WAV Cutscene Name: What You Hear Is… Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Overhear Barry and Albert talking in Room 002.
BGM_4A.WAV Cutscene Name: ? Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jingle that plays when Jill finds Barry.
BGM_56.WAV Cutscene Name: Finally The Two Met Laboratory B3: Cell / Reunion of Chris and Jill.
BGM_57.WAV BGM Name: Plant 42 Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Plant 42 battle theme.
BIO01.WAV Menus Title call (Biohazard). Title menu
BIO02.WAV Menus Move cursor. UNUSED
BIO03.WAV Menus Move to previous menu. UNUSED
BIO04.WAV Menus Make selection. UNUSED
BIO05.WAV Menus Space hit. UNUSED
BIO06.WAV Menus Key hit. UNUSED
BLAZE.WAV Cutscene Barry's flamethrower. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room
BRK_STN.WAV SFX Stone statue breaks.
BUBBLE_L.WAV SFX Tyrant tank air bubble sfx. Laboratory B4: Main Lab
BUBBLE_S.WAV SFX Tyrant tank air bubble sfx. Laboratory B4: Main Lab
CALL.WAV SFX Radio call.
Cancel.wav Menus Move to previous menu.
CEILPRES.WAV SFX Trap ceiling reached the floor. Mansion 1F: Trap Room
CER_BITE.WAV Cerberus Attack.
CER_CRYA.WAV Cerberus Death
CER_CRYB.WAV Cerberus Hurt.
CER_FOOT.WAV Cerberus Run.
CER_JKMX.WAV Cerberus Lunging attack.
CER_KAMU.WAV Cerberus Killing attack.
Cer_runMX.wav Cerberus Walk.
CER_TAOA.WAV Cerberus Land after successful attack.
CER_TAOB.WAV Cerberus Land after missed attack.
CER_UNAR.WAV Cerberus Growl after getting up.
CH_EF01.WAV Chris Small amount of damage received (reverb).
CH_EF02.WAV Chris Moderate amount of damage received (reverb).
CH_EF03.WAV Chris Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas (reverb).
CH_EF04.WAV Chris Death scream (reverb).
CH_NOM.WAV Chris Swallowed by Yawn.
CH_SIME.WAV Chris Chris grabbed by a Vine.
CHAIN1.WAV SFX Ceiling descends. Mansion 1F: Trap Room
CHAIN2.WAV SFX Mansion 1F: Trap Room / UNUSED Mansion 1F: Trap Room / UNUSED
CHAKUCHI.WAV SFX Player jumps down above ladder.
Player drops down the airshaft.
Courtyard: Water Gate
Laboratory B3: Morgue
CHRIS01.WAV Chris Small amount of damage received.
CHRIS02.WAV Chris Moderate amount of damage received.
CHRIS03.WAV Chris Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas.
CHRIS04.WAV Chris Death scream.
CHRIS05.WAV Menus Move cursor. UNUSED
CHRIS06.WAV Menus Move to previous menu. UNUSED
CHRIS07.WAV Menus Make selection. UNUSED
CHRIS08.WAV SFX Radio use. Answering radio
CHRIS09.WAV Menus Map open.
CHRIS10.WAV Menus File change page.
CLKDX4LR.WAV Cutscene Clock chiming. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Emblem puzzle solved.
CLST_BAD.WAV Cutscene Mansion 1F: Keeper's Bedroom / UNUSED Mansion 1F: Keeper's Bedroom / UNUSED
CLST_HIT.WAV Cutscene Closet doors hit the wall. Mansion 1F: Keeper's Bedroom
CLST_OP.WAV Cutscene Closet doors open. Mansion 1F: Keeper's Bedroom
CONPANE.WAV SFX Power control panel pressed.
Computer keyboard pressed.
Laboratory B3: Power Maze 1
Laboratory B4: Main Lab
CRACKMIX.WAV SFX Tyrant tank glass crack.
CURSOR.WAV Menus Move cursor.
D_GACHA.WAV Door Wooden door is locked.
D_GIGI.WAV Door Creaky door opening. UNUSED
DBROCK.WAV SFX Cell entry door unlocked. Laboratory B3: Private Corridor / All pass code's set, door unlocks.
DECIDE.WAV Menus Make selection.
DHIT_CH.WAV SFX Computer desk slam Chris. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
DHIT_JI.WAV SFX Computer desk slam Jill. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
DLBEEP.WAV SFX Pass code set. Laboratory B3: Private Corridor
DM_GACHA.WAV Door Metal door is locked.
DR_AIR01.WAV Door Open hydraulic door.
DR_AIR02.WAV Door Close hydraulic door.
DR_GAT01.WAV Door Open metal gate.
DR_GAT02.WAV Door Close metal gate.
DR_MTL01.WAV Door Open metal door.
DR_MTL02.WAV Door Close metal door.
DR_REB01.WAV Cutscene Rebecca: Chris! (line 1/2). Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds Chris passed out.
DR_REB02.WAV Cutscene Rebecca: Chris! (line 2/2). Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds Chris passed out.
DR_WD01.WAV Door Open wooden door.
DR_WD02.WAV Door Close wooden door.
DRW_C_OP.WAV SFX Laboratory B3: Operating Room / UNUSED Laboratory B3: Operating Room / UNUSED
DRW_C_SH.WAV SFX Laboratory B3: Operating Room / UNUSED Laboratory B3: Operating Room / UNUSED
DRW_OPMT.WAV SFX Metallic desk drawer opened. UNUSED
DRW_OPWD.WAV SFX Wooden desk drawer opened.
DRW_SHMT.WAV SFX Metallic desk drawer closed. UNUSED
DRW_SHWD.WAV SFX Wooden desk drawer closed. UNUSED
ELV_ON.WAV SFX Lab elevator is powered on. Laboratory B3: Elevator entry
ELV1.WAV SFX Elevator begins to move. Courtyard: Water Gate / Underground: Boulder Passage 2
ELV2.WAV SFX Elevator reaches it's destination. Courtyard: Water Gate / Underground: Boulder Passage 2
ELV515.WAV SFX Main lab elevator moving.
ELVX1.WAV SFX Elevator begins to move. Courtyard: Falls
ELVX2.WAV SFX Elevator reaches it's destination. Courtyard: Falls
EMBLEMA.WAV SFX Emblem placed.
EMBLEMB.WAV SFX Gold Emblem placed. Mansion 1F: Bar
ENDING01.WAV Menus Move cursor. UNUSED
ENDING02.WAV Menus Move to previous menu. UNUSED
ENDING03.WAV Menus Make selection. UNUSED
ENDING04.WAV Menus Space hit. UNUSED
ENDING05.WAV Menus Key hit. UNUSED
ENDING06.WAV Menus Closet key unlocked.
ENDING07.WAV Menus Rocket Launcher unlocked.
ESCELV.WAV SFX Elevator to heliport moving. Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel
EV_FTN01.WAV Door Fountain elevator door open. UNUSED
EV_FTN02.WAV Door Fountain elevator door open. UNUSED
EV_LAB01.WAV Door Elevator doors opening and closing. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry
EV_MV.WAV SFX Elevator started moving. UNUSED
EV_NEW01.WAV Door Elevator door open. UNUSED
EV_NEW02.WAV SFX Elevator door close. UNUSED
EV_OLD01.WAV Door Mansion elevator gate open.
EV_OLD02.WAV Door Mansion elevator gate close.
EVIL01.WAV Menus Title calling (Resident Evil). Title menu.
FILEFALL.WAV Cutscene Chris throws V-Jolt Report to Rebecca. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / UNUSED
FL_ATT.WAV Chimera Attack hit.
FL_CEIL.WAV Chimera Ceiling attack / attack miss.
FL_DAM.WAV Chimera Hurt.
FL_FALL.WAV Chimera Drop from ceiling.
FL_JUMP.WAV Chimera Jump.
FL_OUT.WAV Chimera Death / Kill taunt.
FL_SLASH.WAV Chimera Ceiling attack hit.
FL_WALK.WAV Chimera Walk.
FLAME01.WAV Flamethrower Initial fire. Doesn’t change to next sfx (flame02.WAV)
FLAME02.WAV Flamethrower Continued fire. UNUSED
FLAME03.WAV Flamethrower Out of ammo.
FRAME_FA.WAV Cutscene Painting drops on the floor. Mansion 1F: Large Gallery
FRAME_GA.WAV Cutscene Painting drops half way. Mansion 1F: Large Gallery
FT_CAVEA.WAV Footstep Walk on cave floor.
FT_CAVEB.WAV Footstep Run on cave floor.
FT_COEFA.WAV Footstep Walk on concrete (reverb).
FT_COEFB.WAV Footstep Run on concrete (reverb).
FT_CONCA.WAV Footstep Walk on concrete.
FT_CONCB.WAV Footstep Run on concrete.
FT_CPA.WAV Footstep Walk on carpet.
FT_CPB.WAV Footstep Run on carpet.
FT_FLOA.WAV Footstep Walk on creaky wood floor.
FT_FLOB.WAV Footstep Run on creaky wood floor.
FT_HAA.WAV Footstep Walk on stone tile floor (reverb).
FT_HAB.WAV Footstep Run on stone tile floor (reverb).
FT_KIBA.WAV Footstep Walk on floating crate.
FT_KIBB.WAV Footstep Run on floating crate.
FT_LAD.WAV Footstep Climb ladder.
FT_LADA.WAV Footstep Climb ladder. UNUSED
FT_LADB.WAV Footstep Climb ladder. UNUSED
FT_LIN.WAV Footstep Walk on stone tile floor (lower pitch). UNUSED
FT_LINA.WAV Footstep Walk on stone tile floor.
FT_LINB.WAV Footstep Run on stone tile floor.
FT_MTNA.WAV Footstep Walk on metal grate.
FT_MTNB.WAV Footstep Run on metal grate.
FT_PLAA.WAV Foorstep Walk on metal floor.
FT_PLAB.WAV Footstep Run on metal floor.
FT_RMA.WAV Footstep Walk on stone floor.
FT_RMB.WAV Footstep Run on stone floor.
FT_SPA.WAV Footstep Walk on spider webbed floor.
FT_SPB.WAV Footstep Run on spider webbed floor.
FT_STEP.WAV Footstep Walk on step ladder.
FT_STMT.WAV Footstep Walk on metal stairs. UNUSED
FT_STS.WAV Footstep Walk on gravel. UNUSED
FT_STWD.WAV Footstep Walk on wood stairs.
FT_STWP.WAV Footstep Walk on carpeted stairs.
FT_SWIMA.WAV Footstep Walk in water.
FT_SWIMB.WAV Footstep Run in water.
FT_WDA.WAV Footstep Walk on wood floor.
FT_WDB.WAV Footstep Run on wood floor.
GATAN.WAV SFX Ceiling trap armed. Mansion 1F: Living Room
GLASS.WAV SFX Cerberus breaks trough a window.
Tyrant breaks trough the containment tank.
Mansion 1F: 'L' Passage
Laboratory B4: Main Lab
GRACID01.WAV Grenade Launcher (Acid) Reload ? UNUSED
GRACID02.WAV Grenade Launcher (Acid) Fire.
GRACID03.WAV Grenade Launcher (Acid) Hit.
GRACID04.WAV Grenade Launcher (Acid) Out of ammo.
GRBOMB01.WAV Grenade Launcher (Regular) Reload ? UNUSED
GRBOMB02.WAV Grenade Launcher (Regular) Fire.
GRBOMB03.WAV Grenade Launcher (Regular) Hit.
GRBOMB04.WAV Grenade Launcher (Regular) Out of ammo.
GRFIRE01.WAV Grenade Launcher (Flame) Reload ? UNUSED
GRFIRE02.WAV Grenade Launcher (Flame) Fire.
GRFIRE03.WAV Grenade Launcher (Flame) Hit.
GRFIRE04.WAV Grenade Launcher (Flame) Out of ammo.
GUN_PF.WAV Cutscene Handgun shot that kills Enrico. Underground: Enrico Room
GUN01.WAV Handgun Fire.
GUN02.WAV Handgun Out of ammo.
GUN03.WAV Handgun Bullet case hit floor.
GUN04.WAV Handgun Reload
GUTSPOSE.WAV SFX Chris taunts when the computer accepts his input. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
GV_BITE.WAV Yawn Attack hit. Also plays on Yawn’s second swallow.
GV_BLOOD.WAV Yawn Swallow bite.
GV_DINO.WAV Yawn Taunt.
GV_GULPA.WAV Yawn Swallow. GV_GULPA.WAV and GV_GULPB.WAV play at the same time.
GV_GULPB.WAV Yawn Swallow. GV_GULPA.WAV and GV_GULPB.WAV play at the same time.
GV_HAKAI.WAV Yawn Bites a hole in the floor.
GV_MOVE.WAV Yawn Move.
GV_P_AT.WAV Yawn Attack.
GV_SWING.WAV Yawn Attack motion.
HATINAGE.WAV Wasp Wasp tossed to the ground.
HE_ATT.WAV Hunter Jump attack hit (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_DAM.WAV Hunter Hurt (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_JUMP.WAV Hunter Jump attack (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_LAND.WAV Hunter Body hit ground (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_NOUT.WAV Hunter Death / Taunt (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_SMASH.WAV Hunter Attack (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_WALKA.WAV Hunter Walk (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HE_WALKB.WAV Hunter Run (reverb). Hunter sounds used in Underground
HIT_FL.WAV SFX Unkown hit sound. UNUSED
HOOKMIX.WAV SFX Take and set flamethrower to the stand. Underground: Branched Passage / Boulder Passage 1 / Straight Passage
HU_ATT.WAV Hunter Jump attack hit. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_ATTA.WAV Hunter Jump attack hit. UNUSED
HU_DAM.WAV Hunter Hurt. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_JUMP.WAV Hunter Jump attack. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_LAND.WAV Hunter Body hit ground. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_NOUT.WAV Hunter Death / Taunt. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_SMASH.WAV Hunter Attack. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_WALKA.WAV Hunter Walk. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HU_WALKB.WAV Hunter Run. Hunter sounds used in the Mansion
HUNTER.WAV Cutscene Hunter cry. Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel
INWATER.WAV SFX Crate falls to water. Guardhouse B1: Water Tank Entry
ITEM01.WAV Menus Move cursor item box. Move cursor in the item box menu
ITEM02.WAV Menus Open item box. Item box opening sound
JI_NOM.WAV Jill Swallowed by Yawn.
JI_SIME.WAV Jill Jill grabbed by a Vine.
jill_ef01.wav Jill Small amount of damage received (reverb).
jill_ef02.wav Jill Moderate amount of damage received (reverb).
jill_ef03.wav Jill Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas (reverb).
jill_ef04.wav Jill Death scream (reverb).
JILL01.WAV Jill Small amount of damage received.
JILL02.WAV Jill Moderate amount of damage received.
JILL03.WAV Jill Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas.
JILL04.WAV Jill Death scream.
KEY_APAR.WAV SFX Guardhouse key used.
KEY_DESK.WAV SFX Small Key used to open a desk drawer.
KEY_DOOR.WAV SFX Key used on a wood door.
KEY_INDR.WAV SFX Door unlocked.
KEY_LOST.WAV Cutscene Master Key drops off Albert to the floor. Laboratory B4: Main Lab
KEY_MTL.WAV SFX Key used on a metal door. UNUSED
KEY_MTR.WAV SFX Key used on a metal door.
KEYOPEN.WAV SFX Drug Storeroom door unlocked. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Keypad puzzle solved.
KICKDOOR.WAV Cutscene Barry kicks open the Back Passage/Trap Room door. Mansion 1F: Trap Room
KIGAE1.WAV SFX Changing clothes. 2/2. Mansion 1F: Wardrobe Closet
KIGAE2.WAV SFX Changing clothes. 1/2. Mansion 1F: Wardrobe Closet
KNIFE01.WAV Knife Slash air.
KNIFE02.WAV Knife Hit.
KNIFE03.WAV Knife Hit water.
KNIFE04.WAV Knife Hit water ? UNUSED
KNS_TETU.WAV SFX Power room key used. Laboratory B3: 'O' Room
KUASI_A.WAV Web Spinner Walk ? UNUSED
KUASI_B.WAV Web Spinner Walk 1
KUASI_C.WAV Web Spinner Walk 2 Used in Guardhouse Residence
LADDER01.WAV Door Climb ladder.
LOCK_MIX.WAV SFX Living Room door locks behind Jill. Mansion 1F: Trap Room
LOCKEF.WAV SFX Door lock sound. UNUSED
LOCKOUTA.WAV SFX Door locks when flamethrower is taken from the stand. Underground: Branched Passage / Straight Passage
LOCKOUTB.WAV SFX Door lock opening when flamethrower is set to the stand. Underground: Branched Passage / Straight Passage
MACHA.WAV SFX Display shelf opens. Mansion 2F: Armor Room
MAGNUM.WAV Cutscene Barry’s magnum. Underground: Branched Passage / Barry's gun goes off.
MAGNUM01.WAV Magnum Fire.
MAGNUM02.WAV Magnum Reload.
MAGNUM03.WAV Magnum Bullet case hit floor.
MAPLED.WAV SFX Room on a map blinks red.
MUSEN01.WAV Cutscene Control (E64): This is Ecto Six Four calling Neo Pan Four Zero Zero.
Confirm cumulonimbus clouds in your immediate flight path, over.
Pilot (NP400): This is Neo Pan Four Zero Zero, cumulonimbus clouds confirmed.
Perimiter indicates no hazard. We'll maintain course, expect to arrive on schedule.
Control (E64): This is Ecto Six Four, roger and out.
MV_CLK.WAV Cutscene Clock moving. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Solved the Emblem puzzle.
MV_CP.WAV SFX Move aquarium/bookshelf/crate.
MV_SHOW.WAV SFX Move cabinet/bookshelf.
MV_STEP.WAV SFX Move step ladder.
MV_STN.WAV SFX Move statue
MV_WALL.WAV SFX Wall moves. Mansion 1F: Bar
NEP_ATTA.WAV Neptune Swim Appears in Water Tank
NEP_ATTB.WAV Neptune Swim Appears in Water Tank
NEP_JUMP.WAV Neptune Jump on floor (wet). Appears in Water Tank
NEP_NOMU.WAV Neptune Hurt/Eat Appears in Water Tank
NEP_TURA.WAV Neptune Jump on water. UNUSED
NEP_TURB.WAV Neptune Jump on water. UNUSED
NEP_TWIS.WAV Neptune Jump on floor. Appears in Water Tank
PAKIA.WAV Plant 42 Plant 42 roots shrinking UNUSED
PAKIB.WAV Plant 42 Plant 42 roots shrinking
PANEL01.WAV SFX Panel opens. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room
PANEL02.WAV SFX Pressed the jeweled statue.
Switch behind the panel pressed.
Restored power to the Main Lab elevator.
Mansion 2F: Private Library
Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room
Laboratory B3: Power Room
PHOTO30.WAV SFX Barry takes out a photo of his family inside his vest. Underground: Underground Entry / Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / UNUSED
PILLAR.WAV SFX Pillar moves. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room
POISON.WAV Black Tiger Spit attack hit.
POWER-ON.WAV SFX Computer start. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
PRESS.WAV SFX Large gate or door closed. UNUSED
PY_FALL.WAV Adder Fall Adder sounds used in Water Gate.
PY_HIT2.WAV Adder Attack hit Adder sounds used in Water Gate.
PY_MENA.WAV Adder Attack Adder sounds used in Water Gate.
PYE_FALL.WAV Adder Fall Adder sounds used in Straight Passage.
PYE_HIT.WAV Adder Attack hit Adder sounds used in Straight Passage.
PYE_MENA.WAV Adder Attack Adder sounds used in Straight Passage.
R_CHRIS.WAV Cutscene Rebecca: Chris! UNUSED
R_PASS.WAV SFX Wall mechanism turns.
Wall mechanism extends and retreats.
Underground: Underground Entry / Boulder Passage
Underground: Item Chamber
RANCHER.WAV Cutscene Brad drops a rocket launcher. Courtyard: Heliport
RCK_BROK.WAV SFX Boulder breaks trough a wall. Underground: Boulder Passage 1
RCK_HITA.WAV SFX Boulder rolling A (plays simultaneously with B) Underground: Boulder Passage 1 / Boulder Passage 2
RCK_HITB.WAV SFX Boulder rolling B (plays simultaneously with A) Underground: Boulder Passage 1 / Boulder Passage 2
RCK_STOP.WAV SFX Boulder hits a wall and stops. Underground: Boulder Passage 1 / Boulder Passage 2
REB_EF01.WAV Rebecca Small amount of damage received (reverb).
REB_EF02.WAV Rebecca Moderate amount of damage received (reverb).
REB_EF03.WAV Rebecca Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas (reverb).
REB_EF04.WAV Rebecca Death scream (reverb).
REB_SCR.WAV Cutscene Rebecca tries to run away from a Hunter and dies. Mansion 2F: Small Library
REB01.WAV Rebecca Small amount of damage received.
REB02.WAV Rebecca Moderate amount of damage received. Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Hunter claws Rebecca.
Mansion 2F: Small Library / Hunter claws Rebecca.
REB03.WAV Rebecca Large amount of damage received. Pinned down. Inhaled toxic gas.
REB04.WAV Rebecca Death scream. Mansion 2F: Small Library / Rebecca is cordered by a Hunter.
ROCKET01.WAV Rocket Launcher Fire.
ROCKET02.WAV Rocket Launcher Out of ammo.
ROCKET03.WAV Rocket Launcher Rocket impact.
RVCAR1.WAV Crow Death.
RVFRYED.WAV Crow Wing flap.
RVPAT.WAV Crow Idle.
RVPATA.WAV SFX Crows crying. Mansion 2F: Terrace / Background SFX
RVPATB.WAV SFX Crows crying. Mansion 2F: Terrace / Background SFX
RVWING1.WAV Crow Attack.
RVWING2.WAV Crow Alerted/Fly.
s&w+1.wav Cutscene Gunshot heard in the intro cutscene. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F
SE_01.WAV SFX Dining room clock ticking. Mansion 1F: Dining Room
SE_03.WAV BGM Outside ambience. Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage
SE_06.WAV SFX Fireplace. Mansion 2F: Lesson Room Entry
SE_39.WAV SFX Helicopter hovering. Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED
Se_39lp.wav SFX Helicopter hovering. Courtyard: Heliport
SE_3C.WAV BGM Terrance ambience. Mansion 2F: Terrace
SE_41.WAV SFX Tiger statue rotates. Mansion 1F: Tiger Statue Room
SE_42.WAV SFX Water flowing. Courtyard
SE_43.WAV SFX Water flowing stops after closing the water gate. Courtyard: Water Gate
SE_44.WAV BGM Underground ambiance.
SE_45.WAV SFX Boulder rolling. Underground: Boulder Passage 1 / Boulder Passage 2
SE_46.WAV BGM Heliport ambience Courtyard: Heliport
SE_4B.WAV SFX Water being drained. Guardhouse B1: Control Room
SE_4C.WAV SFX Fountain flowing. Mansion 1F: Greenhouse
SE_4D.WAV SFX Pump running. Mansion 1F: Greenhouse
SE_4E.WAV SFX Poison gas is filling the room. Mansion 2F: Armor Room
SE_4F.WAV SFX Elevator starts to move. Laboratory B1: Laboratory Entry / UNUSED
SE_50.WAV SFX Triggering system alarm. Laboratory
SE_51.WAV SFX Triggering system announcer. Laboratory
SE_53.WAV SFX Power Maze ambiance (machinery). Laboratory B3: Power Maze 1 / Power Maze 2
SE_54.WAV SFX Power Room ambiance (machinery). Laboratory B3: Power Room
SE_55.WAV SFX Main Lab ambiance (computers). Laboratory B4: Main Lab
SE_59.WAV Door Mansion Elevator moves.
SE_5A.WAV Door Fountain elevator moves.
SELECT02.WAV Menus Computer key pressed. UNUSED
SELECT04.WAV Menus Typewriter key hit. UNUSED
SELECT05.WAV Menus Confirm character selection. Character selection
SELECT06.WAV Menus Change characters. Character selection
SHOT01.WAV Shotgun Fire.
SHOT02.WAV Shotgun Shell hitting floor.
SHOT03.WAV Shotgun Pump.
SHOT04.WAV Shotgun Out of ammo / insert shell.
SHUTER.WAV SFX Display shelf lock is released. Mansion 2F: Armor Room
SL_CLICK.WAV SFX Computer press key. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
SL_CRMOV.WAV SFX Computer window popup. Laboratory B3: Small Lab
SLBACK_C.WAV SFX Player or enemy moving. UNUSED
SLBACK_W.WAV SFX Player or enemy moving. UNUSED
SLIDE_B2.WAV SFX Bookshelf moves. Mansion 2F: Private Library
SLIDE_BK.WAV SFX Bookshelf moves. Guardhouse 1F: Room 003
SLIDE1.WAV SFX Projector: new slide part 1. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room
SLIDE2.WAV SFX Projector: new slide part 2. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room
SLIDE3.WAV SFX Projector shuts down. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED
SLIDING.WAV SFX Sliding when smacked by Plant 42 or Tyrant.
SMASH.WAV Cutscene Sound of Barry hitting Albert with his gun. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry
SP_ATCK.WAV Web Spinner Charge attack hit.
SP_BOMB.WAV Black Tiger Hurt.
SP_DOKU.WAV Web Spinner Spit attack.
SP_FUMU.WAV Small Spider Stomp.
SP_RAKK.WAV Web Spinner Drop from ceiling.
SP_SANJ2.WAV Web Spinner Spit attack hit.
SPRAY.WAV Cutscene Rebecca sprays Chris. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room
ST_MTL01.WAV Door Step on metal stairs.
ST_WCP01.WAV SFX Step on wooden crate. UNUSED
ST_WD01.WAV SFX Step on wooden crate. UNUSED
STEAM_A.WAV SFX Pipes releasing steam. Laboratory B3: Power Maze 2 / Power Room
STEAM_B.WAV SFX Pipes releasing steam. Laboratory B3: Power Maze 1 / Tied to Chimeras. Stops playing if you kill them all.
SW_411.WAV SFX Switch pressed. Guardhouse B1: Control Room
SW_BTN.WAV SFX Painting switch pressed.
Table lamp switch pressed.
Light switch pressed.
Light switch pressed.
Elevator switch pressed.
Mansion 1F: Large Gallery
Mansion 1F: Courtyard Study
Mansion 2F: Trophy Room
Laboratory B3: Private Room
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry
SW_LEVER.WAV SFX Lever pulled. Guardhouse B1: Control Room
SW_MEDAL.WAV SFX Crest inserted to mechanism. Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage
sw_medal2.wav SFX Medal inserted to the fountain mechanism. Courtyard: Fountain
SW_PUSH.WAV SFX Display switch pressed. Mansion 2F: Study
SW_PUSH2.WAV SFX Floor switch activated. Underground: Item Chamber
SW_PUSH3.WAV SFX Floor switch activated. Laboratory B3: Operating Room
SW_TRAP.WAV SFX Weapon set/taken from mechanism. Mansion 1F: Living Room
TAO_WALL.WAV Cutscene Barry bangs on the Trap Room door. Mansion 1F: Back Passage
TAORE_CA.WAV SFX Player's body falls on the cave floor.
TAORE_CP.WAV SFX Player's body falls on a carpet.
TAORE_PL.WAV SFX Player's body fall on metal floor.
TAORE_S1.WAV SFX Player's body smacks face first on the ground after Plant 42 hit.
TAORE_SP.WAV SFX Player's body falls on webbed floor.
TAORE_ST.WAV SFX Player's body falls on a stone floor.
TAORE_WA.WAV SFX Player is grabbed by Plant 42 and it throws the body to wooden floor.
TAORE_WD.WAV SFX Player's body falls on a wooden floor.
TAORE_WE.WAV Cutscene Rebecca's body falls on the floor. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry
TIGEREYE.WAV SFX Gem inserted or taken from the statue.
Gem inserted or taken from the throphy head.
Mansion 1F: Tiger Statue Room / UNUSED
Mansion 2F: Trophy Room / UNUSED
TY_BOMB.WAV Tyrant Death by rocket launcher.
TY_CRASH.WAV Tyrant Player hit wall after tyrant attack hit on helipad.
TY_FOOT.WAV Tyrant Walk.
TY_HIT.WAV Tyrant Slash attack hit.
TY_KAZE.WAV Tyrant Slash miss.
TY_NAGE.WAV Tyrant Drop player's corpse.
TY_SLEF.WAV Tyrant Running attack.
TY_SLICE.WAV Tyrant Stab attack hit.
TY_SUBE.WAV Tyrant Player sliding on ground after tyrant attack hit on helipad.
TY_TAORE.WAV Tyrant Death. Laboratory B4: Main Lab
TY_TRUST.WAV Tyrant Player impaled by tyrant
TYPE01.WAV Typewriter Space hit. Save menu.
TYPE02.WAV Typewriter Key hit. Save menu.
UNDERGAT.WAV SFX Wall panel opening and closing. Underground: Item Chamber
V_JOLT.WAV Plant 42 Used V-Jolt on the plant roots.
v00d_02.wav Cutscene / Chris Chris finds Enrico. / Chris: Don't! Underground: Enrico Room
V00D_02S.WAV Cutscene / Chris Chris finds Enrico. / Chris: Don't! Underground: Enrico Room / UNUSED
V110_00.WAV Cutscene / Jill Barry is dying. Underground: Underground Entry
Jill: What happened?
Barry: Uhh.. I'm really embarrassed. I was clumsy.
Jill: Oh, you don't have to talk. I'm going to give you first aid!
Barry: Maybe my time's come. Jill, take this. I've been cheating you all f-from the start.
If you can forgive me, could you please give this to my family? And if you can, please, try to protect them.
Jill: What do you mean by that, Barry? Don't give up!
Barry: Uh.. Jill, be careful of that guy. *gasps* Please, stay alive. *dying breath*
VB00_31.WAV Cutscene Tyrant breaks trough the floor. Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED
VB00_31A.WAV Cutscene Tyrant breaks trough the floor 1/3. Courtyard: Heliport
VB00_31B.WAV Cutscene Tyrant breaks trough the floor 2/3. Courtyard: Heliport
VB00_31C.WAV Cutscene Tyrant breaks trough the floor 3/3. Courtyard: Heliport
VN_AIR.WAV Plant 42 Breathing.
VN_BODY.WAV Plant 42 Player's body is cut in half. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / UNUSED
VN_FALL.WAV Plant 42 Acid attack miss.
VN_HITA.WAV Vine Hit. Remake uses two different files to create the hit sound
VN_HITB.WAV Vine Grab. Remake uses two different files to create the grab sound
VN_HITL.WAV Plant 42 Hit.
VN_KAZEA.WAV Plant 42 Swing miss.
VN_KAZEB.WAV Plant 42 Swing miss.
VN_OUT.WAV Vine Killed with Herbicide.
VN_OUT2.WAV Plant 42 Death cry.
VN_SIME.WAV Plant 42 Grab attack.
VN_WHIP.WAV Vine Hit miss.
WALLDOWN.WAV SFX Wall closed. Mansion 1F: Bar
WATERGT.WAV SFX Water gate closes. Courtyard: Water Gate
Win95_mg.wav Ingram Fire.
YK_30A.WAV Cutscene Sound of bullet case hitting the ground. Fired from a handgun that kills Enrico. Underground: Enrico Room
YK_405_.WAV Cutscene Sound of a bullet case hitting the floor. Albert is shooting wasps. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor
Z_AOYA01.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Moan getting up / falling down. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 Bathroom
Z_AOYA02.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Grab standing. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 Bathroom
Z_AOYA03.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Moan hurt. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 Bathroom
Z_AOYA21.WAV Zombie - UNUSED Moan getting up / falling down. UNUSED
Z_AOYA22.WAV Zombie - UNUSED Grab standing. UNUSED
Z_AOYA23.WAV Zombie - UNUSED Moan hurt. UNUSED
Z_FTL.WAV Zombie – shared Walk.
Z_FTR.WAV Zombie – shared Crawling / slow walking.
Z_HAKI.WAV Zombie – shared Bile attack.
Z_HEAD.WAV Zombie – shared Crush head / Headshot.
Z_HKICK.WAV Zombie – shared Kick head.
Z_ISI01.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 04 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 1F: Central Corridor
Z_ISI02.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 04 Grab standing. Mansion 1F: Central Corridor
Z_ISI03.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 04 Moan hurt. Mansion 1F: Central Corridor
z_isi201.wav Zombie – Green Jacket 03 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 1F: Back Passage
Z_ISI202.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 03 Grab standing. Mansion 1F: Back Passage
Z_ISI203.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 03 Moan hurt. Mansion 1F: Back Passage
Z_ISI301.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 02 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 2F: 'C' Passage
Z_ISI302.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 02 Grab standing. Mansion 2F: 'C' Passage
Z_ISI303.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 02 Moan hurt. Mansion 2F: 'C' Passage
Z_K01.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 03 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 1F: East Stairway 1F
Z_K02.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 03 Grab standing. Mansion 1F: East Stairway 1F
Z_K03.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 03 Moan hurt. Mansion 1F: East Stairway 1F
Z_KAMU.WAV Zombie – shared Bite.
Z_MIKA01.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 01 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 1F: Tea Room
Z_MIKA02.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 01 Grab standing. Mansion 1F: Tea Room
Z_MIKA03.WAV Zombie – Green Jacket 01 Moan hurt. Mansion 1F: Tea Room
Z_NISI1.WAV Zombie – Naked Moan getting up / falling down. Laboratory B3: 'O' Room
Z_NISI2.WAV Zombie – Naked Grab attack. Laboratory B3: 'O' Room
Z_NISI3.WAV Zombie – Naked Moan hurt. Laboratory B3: 'O' Room
Z_OSOU.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 01 Grab standing. Mansion 2F: Dining Room 2F
Z_SANJ.WAV Zombie – shared Bile attack connect.
Z_SIMO01.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 1F: Dressing Room
Z_SIMO02.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Grab standing. Mansion 1F: Dressing Room
Z_SIMO03.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 05 Moan hurt. Mansion 1F: Dressing Room
Z_SUZU01.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 02 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 2F: West Stairway 2F
Z_SUZU02.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 02 Grab standing. Mansion 2F: West Stairway 2F
Z_SUZU03.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 02 Moan hurt. Mansion 2F: West Stairway 2F
Z_TAORE.WAV Zombie – shared Fall.
Z_UGORON.WAV Zombie – shared Head roll.
Z_UNARUA.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 01 Moan getting up / falling down. Mansion 2F: Dining Room 2F
Z_UNARUB.WAV Zombie – Lab Coat 01 Moan hurt. Mansion 2F: Dining Room 2F
ZE_FTL.WAV Zombie – shared Walk (reverb). Laboratory
ZE_HAKI.WAV Zombie – shared Bile attack (reverb). Laboratory
ZE_HEAD.WAV Zombie – shared Crush head / Headshot (reverb). Laboratory
ZE_HKICK.WAV Zombie – shared Kick head (reverb). Laboratory
ZE_KAMU.WAV Zombie – shared Bite (reverb). Laboratory
ZE_SANJ.WAV Zombie – shared Bile attack connect (reverb). Laboratory
ze_tomo1.wav Zombie – Lab Coat 06 Moan getting up / falling down. Laboratory B2: Stairway
ze_tomo2.wav Zombie – Lab Coat 06 Grab standing. Laboratory B2: Stairway
ze_tomo3.wav Zombie – Lab Coat 06 Moan hurt. Laboratory B2: Stairway
ZE_UGO.WAV Zombie Head roll. UNUSED
ZEP_FTL.WAV Zombie – Naked Walk. Laboratory B3: 'O' Room
ZFT_GLAS.WAV Zombie Walk on gravel or glass. UNUSED.
ZIPPER1.WAV SFX Changing clothes. Zipper sound that plays multiple times. Mansion 1F: Wardrobe Closet
ZIPPER2.WAV SFX Changing clothes. Zipper sound at the end 2/2. Mansion 1F: Wardrobe Closet
ZIPPER3.WAV SFX Changing clothes. Zipper sound at the end 1/2. Mansion 1F: Wardrobe Closet
ZURUZURU.WAV Cutscene Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / UNUSED Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / UNUSED
re1_sound_index.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/19 01:23 by 3lric