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Voice File Index, by Mechanical Paladin

File name Route Speaker(s) Dialogue Used in Notes
ANNOUNCE.WAV Chris/Jill Umbrella System The triggering system has now been activated. All researchers and guards should take cover immediately. Unlock all routes for evacuation. Underground Laboratory / UNUSED
V001_00.WAV Chris Jill Jill: I don't know what happened! Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_01.WAV Chris Albert, Chris Chris: BARRY! Where's Barry?!
Albert: Well I'm sorry, but he's probably…
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_02.WAV Chris Jill Jill: No… Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_03.WAV Chris Albert, Chris, Jill Jill What is that?!
Chris: I'll go and check!
Albert: Ok. Jill and I will stay in the hall in case of an emergency.
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_04.WAV Chris Jill Jill: Chris.. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_05.WAV Chris Jill Jill: Take care. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Chris and Jill enter the mansion.
V001_06.WAV Chris/Jill Albert Albert: Investigate if you hear any gunfire. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Chris returns to the Main Hall before encountering the first Zombie.
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Jill returns to the Main Hall before encountering the first Zombie.
V003_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Wesker? Jill? Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Chris returns to the Main Hall to find Albert and Jill missing.
V003_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: What happened to Jill and Wesker? Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Chris returns to the Main Hall to find Albert and Jill missing.
V004_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Whoa! What is it!? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_01.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: What? Oh! Oh no! Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_02.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Rebecca: Sorry, I didn't mean to do that.
Chris: *laughs* You must be from the Bravo team.
Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes, I'm Rebecca! Rebecca Chambers. I'm a newcomer. I just joined the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team last month. Well, I'm really sorry. Are you alright? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yes. I'm Chris Redfield from the Alpha team. Are the only person here from the Bravo team? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_05.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, because the helicopter made a forced landing. I just ran into this house anyway, but I-uh.. uh.. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I see. There's nothing else you could've done anyway, it's good you're here. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_07.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes sir. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_08.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: But, it's strange. I serviced the helicopter recently, but something went wrong with the engine. It was such a short flight. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time.
V004_09.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I wonder if everybody is.. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris talks to Rebecca before leaving the room.
V004_0A.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, what should I do now? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him.
V004_0B.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: If you go out to search for the other members, how about letting me come with you? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him.
V004_0C.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Alright, lets do it!
Rebecca: Yes sir! I'll do my best!
Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him. / Chris says yes.
V004_0D.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I have to prepare something. Would you like to go ahead? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him. / Chris says yes. / Rebecca repeats this line if Chris returns to the room and talks to her.
V004_0E.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: It's pretty dangerous outside. Let me take care of it.
Rebecca: I understand. For now, I'll wait here. Since there alot of chemicals in this room and they might be useful.
Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him. / Chris says no.
V004_0F.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, I'll look over the chemicals. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris and Rebecca meet for the first time. / Chris is leaving the room and Rebecca asks if she could come with him. / Chris says no. / Rebecca repeats this line if Chris returns to the room and talks to her.
V005_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Who are you? Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I'm Chris of Alpha team. I've come to rescue you. Richard, what happened? Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_02.WAV Chris Richard Richard: Chris, this house is too dangerous. There are terrible demons. Ouch! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Richard, dont talk! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_04.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: He seems to have been bitten by a poisonous snake. But the size of the wound is abnormally large! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_05.WAV Chris Richard Richard: It's not just a poisonous snake, It's a monster! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_06.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Richard. He needs serum, but we left it another room. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_06L.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Richard. He needs serum, but we left it another room. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / UNUSED / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. This file has lower volume than V005_06.WAV.
V005_07.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ok. I'll go! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_08.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Hurry, please! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris returns without the Serum and talks to Rebecca and Richard.
V005_09.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I will. Wait here. I'll be back soon! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard.
V005_0A.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Here's the serum! Is he alright? Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_0B.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes, he is. Thanks. Richard, hold on! I'll give you a shot now. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_0C.WAV Chris Richard Richard: Chris.. Chris.. Here's a radio. Take it! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_0D.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Richard, no..
Rebecca: Richard!
Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_0E.WAV Chris Richard Richard: Rebecca.. Be careful. Uh.. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_0F.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Rebecca: Richard.. Richard! Are you..
Chris: Rebecca, It's very dangerous out here. Will you come with me?
Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_10.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I, I'd like to stay here a little bit longer. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_11.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ok, Rebecca. Can you use a gun? I'll look for the others. Protect yourself. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_12.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Be careful, please! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V005_13.WAV Chris Richard Richard: Be careful. Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns without the Serum and talks to Rebecca and Richard.
V005_14.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Be careful, please! Mansion 2F: Pillar passage / Chris finds Rebecca treating injured Richard. / Chris returns with the serum on time.
V006_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: It's me Chris. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Is that you, Rebecca? Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Are you alright? Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Richard died.
V006_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes. I have decided not to grieve any longer. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Richard died.
V006_04.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Ah, it's the Moonlight Sonata. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Can you play? Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Wait. What is that? Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_07.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: My interpetation is off a little. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_08.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, may I practice for a while? Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano.
V006_09.WAV Chris Chris Chris: See? Just relax and play. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says yes to Rebecca.
V006_0A.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Alright. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says yes to Rebecca.
V006_0B.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Lets go back and look for them at once. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says no to Rebecca.
V006_0C.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Alright. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says no to Rebecca.
V006_0D.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says no to Rebecca. / Chris leaves the room.
V006_0E.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I know, I know. But just a little longer. Mansion 1F: Bar / Chris tries to play the piano. / Chris says no to Rebecca. / Chris leaves the room.
V006_0F.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Chris! Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca plays the Moonlight Sonata successfully.
V006_10.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: You like it? Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca plays the Moonlight Sonata successfully.
V006_11.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Oh, that was great! Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca plays the Moonlight Sonata successfully.
V006_12.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: What is that? Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca plays the Moonlight Sonata successfully.
V007_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Ah, Chris! This room is fully equipped with medical supplies. I can treat you, except for your major injury. Would you like me to? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds.
V007_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yes! Please do something for me, temporarily. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_02.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Most of these medicines are from Umbrella. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: What's Umbrella? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_04.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Don't you know? It's a large-scale pharmaceutical company based in Raccoon City. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Oh, I see. And you know how much of the medicine is usable? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_06.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, probably there's enough for two doses. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
V007_07.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Are you alright? Wan't me to treat it? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris returns for more treatment.
V007_08.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, be careful! Mansion 1F: Bar / Rebecca plays the Moonlight Sonata successfully. / Chris talks to Rebecca before getting the Gold Emblem
V007_09.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I'm ok. But if something happens to me, please take care of me. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
V007_0A.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Ok, you can depend on me. But we only have enough medicine for tree more doses. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
V007_0B.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Excuse me but, you aren't mad at me about all that, are you? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
V007_0C.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Oh, of course not. You were pretty worried though, weren't you? Hey, we're partners, aren't we? Let's work together. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
V007_0D.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes sir! I'll do my best! Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca. / Chris talks to Rebecca again.
V007_0E.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, take care! Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds / Chris talks to Rebecca. / Chris talks to Rebecca after she rescues him.
V007_0F.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: This is the last dose. Don't go doing reckless things anymore. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Rebecca has used all of the medical supplies.
V008_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Is that you, Rebecca? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_01.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, are you alright? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yeah. W-what happened? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: You were bitten by a poisonous snake. Are you ok? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ugh, my head is killing me. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_05.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I think you'll be alright because I gave you a shot. But please, stay out of trouble! Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: You saved my life. I owe you one. Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Rebecca rescued poisoned Chris.
V008_10.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Also plays when Rebecca returns with the Serum too late.
V008_11.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I'm sure the serum must be there. I'll be right back. Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris.
V008_12.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: You alright? Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_13.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yeah. What happened? Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_14.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: You were bitten by a poisonous snake. Are you ok? Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_15.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ugh, my head is killing me. Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_16.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I think you'll be alright because I gave you a shot. But please, be careful! Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_17.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I'm glad I could help! Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum. / Chris talks to Rebecca.
V008_18.WAV Chris Chris Chris: You saved my life. I owe you one. Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum.
V008_19.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: *screams of anguish* Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Rebecca finds poisoned Chris. / Rebecca returns with the Serum too late.
V009_00.WAV Chris/Jill Brad Brad: This is Brad. S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, please respond! What the hell? Is nobody out there? Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
V009_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: This is Chris. Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
V009_02.WAV Chris/Jill Brad Brad: This is Brad. S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, Bravo team, it doesn't matter. Anybody, aswer me! Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
V009_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Damn! It's broken! Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
V009_04.WAV Chris/Jill Brad Brad: This is Brad. I know you can't answer me. But somehow, give me a sign! Courtyard: Guardhouse Gate / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio again.
V009_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: This is Chris. Brad! Can you hear me? Damn! Courtyard: Guardhouse Gate / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio again.
V00A_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: *screams* Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_01.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / UNUSED
V00A_10.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_11.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Re-rebecca, no, it's no use. The roots of it are in the basement. You can.. Whoa! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_12.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_13.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Take this file with you. Use the information in it in order to make the potion. Then kill the root. Rebecca, please! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_14.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, don't die! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Rebecca finds Chris grabbed by Plant 42
V00A_20.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Oh! I can't believe it! Are you ok? Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_21.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yeah! So much for him, we got to the root of the problem! Saved again! Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_22.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I just.. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_23.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Really, thank you. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_24.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: You'd do the same for me, wouldn't you? Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_25.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I guarantee it. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_26.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, I think I can make another potion. I'll go back to the pharmaceutical room I found a little while ago. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
V00A_27.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Anyway Chris, I'm glad you're safe! Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42
Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_28.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, Chris. This is Richards radio. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_29.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: We received communication from Brad at the courtyard a little while ago. But he is still flying around in the sky. He obviously couldn't hear our voices. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_2A.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Maybe his radio is broken. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_2B.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I see, understood. I'll keep it. We should somehow let Brad know we're here. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00A_2C.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: At the pharmaceutical room I found a little while ago, I think I will be able to make something. Guardhouse 1F: Beehive Passage / Rebecca Rescued Chris from Plant 42 (met Rebecca before Richard)
V00B_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: W-what? Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage / Chris finds Richard's radio.
V00B_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: It must be a S.T.A.R.S. radio. It's a little bit broken, but it might still be usable. I'll take it with me. Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage / Chris finds Richard's radio.
V00C_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: *pants* W-what are they!? Monsters? Mansion 1F: Back Passage / Chris encounters a Hunter. Chris told Rebecca to stay in the mansion.
V00C_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Is she still in the house? Mansion 1F: Back Passage / Chris encounters a Hunter. Chris told Rebecca to stay in the mansion.
V00C_10.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris returns after fleeing and examines Rebecca's dead body.
V00C_11.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter.
V00C_12.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_13.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_14.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Thank god you're safe! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_15.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Rebecca: I'm sorry that you we're worried about me.
Chris: We are in great danger!
Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_16.WAV Chris Chris Chris: We must organize a search for the others, and get the hell out of here! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_17.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes sir! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / UNUSED
V00C_18.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Understood? Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_19.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes sir! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_1A.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ok, I'll go first. Proceed with your own judgement. Alright? Can you do it? Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_1B.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes, I can! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_1C.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Good,luck! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / Rebecca is being attacked by a Hunter. / Chris talks to Rebecca after killing the Hunter, saving Rebecca.
V00C_20.WAV Chris Chris Chris: *pants* What are they!? Mansion 1F: Back Passage / Chris encounters a Hunter. Rebecca's scream can be heard from upstairs.
V00C_21.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: *screams* Mansion 1F: Back Passage / Chris encounters a Hunter. Rebecca's scream can be heard from upstairs.
V00C_22.WAV Chris Chris Chris: It's Rebecca! She must be upstrairs! Mansion 1F: Back Passage / Chris encounters a Hunter. Rebecca's scream can be heard from upstairs.
V00C_30.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Mansion 2F: Small Library / Rebecca tries to run away from a Hunter and dies.
V00C_31.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Mansion 1F: West Stairway 1F / UNUSED / Hunter kills Rebecca during a cutscene.
V00D_0.wav Chris Chris Chris: Who is it? I-is someone there? Underground: Enrico Room / UNUSED / Chris tries to see who shot Enrico.
v00d_00.wav Chris Chris Chris: Enrico! Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico.
v00d_01.wav Chris Chris, Enrico Enrico: Don't come any closer Chris. Chris: Wait, what happened? Enrico: Double crosser! Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico.
v00d_02.wav Chris Chris Chris: Don't! Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico. / UNUSED / Game uses ../sound/v00d_02.wav instead.
v00d_03.wav Chris Chris Chris: Who is it? I-is someone there? Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico.
v00d_04.wav Chris Enrico Enrico: *groans in pain* ..hell? Umbrella.. Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico.
v00d_05.wav Chris Chris Chris: Double crosser? What did he mean by that? Underground: Enrico Room / Chris finds Enrico.
V00E_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca, you're safe! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_01.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I saw you in the garden! I've caught up with you at last! But it's a strange place, isn't it? Is this a meeting room or something? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Seems like it. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Does it work? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yeah. Let's take a look. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_05.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I feel like we're having a secret meeting! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Let's go! I think I'm beginning to understand! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector.
V00E_10.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! You're safe! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector. Others didn't make it.
V00E_11.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Rebecca: I'm sorry. The others didn't make it.
Chris: I know, but I'm happy that you are safe.
Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector. Others didn't make it.
V00E_12.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: What is it? A slide projector? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector. Others didn't make it.
V00E_13.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yes! I'll show you. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector. Others didn't make it.
V00E_14.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Let's go! I think I'm beginning to understand! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca meet and use the projector. Others didn't make it.
V00F_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Let me try both at the same time. Please give me a key. Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca work together to open the cell door.
v00f_01.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Let's try. Ready? Start! Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca work together to open the cell door.
v00f_02.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: It's open! Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / UNUSED / Chris and Rebecca work together to open the cell door.
v00f_10.wav Chris Jill Jill: Chris! Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Chris finds Jill but the cell door is locked.
v00f_11.wav Chris Chris Chris: Jill! Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Chris finds Jill but the cell door is locked.
v00f_12.wav Chris Chris, Jill Jill: Chris! Wesker, he is..
Chris: I-I know. Shoot! It doesn't open! Look Jill, wait here. I'll save you.
Jill: Ok, I'll wait.
Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Chris finds Jill but the cell door is locked.
v011_00.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Ah, ouch! *cries in pain* Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_01.wav Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! What are you doing in this place!? Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
V011_02.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I was almost attacked by a monster, but I escaped trough the other draft hole. Then I came.. Ouch! Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_03.wav Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Well, I'm glad you're alright. Don't go out alone.
Rebecca: Yes sir! By the way, where are we?
Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
V011_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: It looks like a power room, but I'm not sure. How about you? Did you find something? Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_05.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, look at this! Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
V011_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: What's he matter? Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_07.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: It's a triggering system for a bomb! Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_08.wav Chris Chris Chris: What!? Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
v011_09.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Great! Wow! I've never seen such a big bomb! How come.. Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
V011_0A.WAV Chris Chris Chris: It's dangerous. Don't touch it! Laboratory B3: Power Room / UNUSED / Rebecca crawls out of a ventilation shaft and runs into Chris.
V012_00.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Chris, as my subordinate, you have wonderful talent. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_01.wav Chris Chris Chris: I would never work for a company like Umbrella. And Wesker, you were formally with Umbrella. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_02.wav Chris Albert Albert: What do you mean? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
V012_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Since when have you been an Umbrella agent? And a traitor to the S.T.A.R.S. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_04.wav Chris Albert Albert: Now you're wrong! I was formally with Umbrella, yes. But now I'm prepared to face anything. Even getting rid of you vigilante S.T.A.R.S. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_05.wav Chris Chris Chris: Now the worst possible situation has occured. The failure of the experiment created a virus, a biological weapon, polluting the entire lab! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_06.wav Chris Albert Albert: No, the worst happened with the tyrant virus. I lost some of my S.T.A.R.S. team members because of it. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_07.wav Chris Chris Chris: You killed with them own hands! Did you kill Enrico? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_08.wav Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Really? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_09.wav Chris Albert Albert: Yeah. Like this. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_0a.wav Chris Chris Chris: Rebecca! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_0b.wav Chris Albert Albert: Don't move! If you do, I'll kill you. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_0c.wav Chris Albert Albert: Chris, I have something to show you. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_0d.wav Chris Albert Albert: Now, walk. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris and Rebecca run into Albert.
v012_0e.wav Chris Albert Albert: Enrico? I'll destroy the S.T.A.R.S. myself, including you. The fact is, Umbrella does not know what to do with the Tyrant Virus.
We have orders to blow up this laboratory, and it's not a bad idea. But I think we should save this important research.. for future use.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
v012_0f.wav Chris Chris Chris: You.. You think you can disappear with such important material? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
v012_10.wav Chris Albert Albert: Would you like see it? Come with me. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
v012_11.wav Chris Albert Albert: I'm sorry for my lack of manners. But I'm not used to escorting men. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
v012_12.wav Chris Albert Albert: Now, walk. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris runs into Albert.
V013_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Is this.. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_01.WAV Chris Albert Albert: That's right. This is the ultimate lifeform, Tyrant! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_02.WAV Chris Albert, Chris Chris: *laughs*
Albert: Chris?
Chris: *laughs harder*
Albert: Stop it!
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_02A.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Chris? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_02B.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Stop it! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Wesker, you're pitiful! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: This is saviour? You say this failure, is you saviour? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_05.WAV Chris Albert Albert: You can make sure yourself whether Tyrant is a failure or not. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_06.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Go to hell! Jill will join you too. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_07.WAV Chris/Jill Chris Chris: W-what? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V013_08.WAV Chris/Jill Albert Albert: Don't come this way! No! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V013_09.WAV Chris Chris Chris: You can't kill me! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V013_0A.WAV Chris Albert Albert: What? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED / Albert shows Chris the Tyrant.
V014_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Wow! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris finds Rebecca alive.
V014_01.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Ha! It seems like this jacket is pretty strong! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris finds Rebecca alive.
V014_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I see. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris finds Rebecca alive.
V014_03.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: How about captain Wesker? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris finds Rebecca alive.
V014_04.WAV Chris Chris Chris: He is sleeping with the ultimate failure. Hurry up. I wanna get out of here! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Chris finds Rebecca alive.
V014_05.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Excuse me, Chris. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_06.WAV Chris Chris Chris: What, Rebecca? Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_07.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: I saw a research file in this lab. It said that a great deal of research on the Tyrant Virus exists right here! We should blow this place up! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_08.WAV Chris Chris Chris: We're already into it over our heads. Rebecca, can you do it? Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_09.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Yes sir! I setup a triggering system for a bomb! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_0A.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ok! Now we have a chance to escape! See you outside the house! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca step out of the elevator.
V014_0B.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / UNUSED
V014_0C.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / UNUSED
V015_00.WAV Chris Chris, Jill Chris: Jill! Sorry for making you wait.
Jill: Chris!
Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_01.WAV Chris Jill Jill: I knew I could trust you. Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Let's go! There's no need to stay. Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Jill! Are you there? Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_04.WAV Chris Jill Jill: Chris? Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Jill, you're all right! Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_06.WAV Chris Jill Jill: Ah, yes. Wesker is here.. He's.. Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V015_07.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Oh, I know. Anyway, let's get out here! Laboratory B3: Cell / Chris comes back to release Jill.
V016_00.WAV Chris Brad Brad: This is Brad. I have a fuel shortage. Ok, this is the last try. If somebody's alive, please, send a sign! This is the last.. Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Brad calls Chris.
V016_01.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Rebecca: I made it! I setup the triggering system to the bomb!
Chris: Great! Rebecca, Brad's up in the helicopter!
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Rebecca joins Chris and Jill.
V016_02.WAV Chris Chris, Jill, Rebecca Rebecca: Look at those monsters!
Jill: Let me take care of them!
Chris: But..
Jill: Chris, get in contact with Brad right away!
Chris: Ok!
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Rebecca joins Chris and Jill.
V016_03.WAV Chris Chris, Jill Jill: Let me take care of them!
Chris: But..
Jill: Chris, get in contact with Brad right away!
Chris: Ok!
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Chris and Jill in front of the emergency elevator.
V016_04.WAV Chris Chris, Jill Chris: Look at those monsters!
Rebecca: Chris, if Brad is in the helicopter, get in contact with him by any means!
Chris: But..
Rebecca: I'll hold back the monsters!
Chris: Ok, I trust you.
Rebecca: Trust me!
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Rebecca joins Chris.
V016_05.WAV Chris Brad Brad: Chris! Use it! Destroy the monsters with it! Courtyard: Heliport / Brad drops a Rocket Launcher for Chris.
V016_06.WAV Chris Umbrella System There is 3-minutes until explosion. Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Triggering system warning.
V101_00.WAV Jill Albert, Barry Barry: What is this?
Albert: Wow! What a mansion!
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Barry and Jill enter the Main Hall.
V101_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Captain Wesker, where's Chris? Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Barry and Jill enter the Main Hall.
V101_02.WAV Jill Albert, Jill Albert: Stop it! Don't open that door!
Jill: But Chris is..
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Barry and Jill enter the Main Hall.
V101_03.WAV Jill Albert, Barry Barry: What is it?
Albert: Maybe it's Chris? Now, Jill, can you go?
Barry: I'm going with you. Chris is our old partner you know.
Albert: Ok. Let me handle this.
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Barry and Jill enter the Main Hall.
V101_04.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Stay alert! Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Albert, Barry and Jill enter the Main Hall.
V102_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: A dining room. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill enter the Dining Room.
V102_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: What!? What is this? Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain.
V102_02.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: What is it?
Barry: Blood.
Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain.
V102_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill, see if you can find any other clues. I'll be examining this. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain.
V102_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hope this is not Chris's blood. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain.
V102_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Lost courage already? It's not like you. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Jill tries to return to the Main Hall for the second time before encountering the first Zombie.
V102_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Who is it? Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain. / Jill tries to return to the main hall for the third time.
V102_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hey, you! Stop! Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain. / Jill tries to return to the main hall for the third time.
V102_08.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Run, Jill! He's insane! Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain. / Jill tries to return to the main hall for the third time.
V102_09.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: What the hell?
Jill: Let's report this to Wesker.
Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill examine a bloodstain. / Jill tries to return to the main hall for the third time.
V102_0A.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V102_0B.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: What is it?
Jill: Watch out! It's a monster!
Barry: Let me take care of this!
Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V102_0C.WAV Jill Barry Barry: What is it!? Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V102_0D.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Kenneth was killed too.. Maybe by this creature. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V102_0E.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Anyway, let's report this to Wesker. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V102_10.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Kenneth was killed too. Mansion 1F: Dining Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill encounter their first Zombie.
V103_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Wesker! Help me look for him Jill, and don't leave this hall for the time being. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him.
V103_01.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: Find anything, Jill?
Jill: Nothing. What is this all about? I can't figure it out at all.
Barry: Beats me, too.
Jill: Now it's Wesker's time to disappear! I don't know what's going on.
Barry: Well, it can't be helped. Let's search for him seperately. I'll check the dining room again.
Jill: Okay. I'll try the door on the opposite side.
Barry: This mansion is gigantic. We could get into trouble if we get lost. We should start from the first floor, okay? And.. Jill, here is a lockpick. It might be handy if you, the master of unlocking, take it with you.
Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him. / Barry and Jill don't find him.
V103_0A.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Thanks. Maybe I'll need it. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him. / Barry and Jill don't find him.
V103_0B.WAV Jill Barry Barry: No, I'll take of that direction. I told you to start from the other side, Jill. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / UNUSED / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him. / Barry and Jill don't find him. / Barry stand in front of the Dining Room door and Jill tries to go there.
V103_0C.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Listen, if something happens, lets meet up in this hall. Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him. / Barry and Jill don't find him.
V103_0D.WAV Jill Barry This time I'll be there! Mansion 1F: Main Hall 1F / Barry and Jill find Albert missing and begin to search for him. / Barry and Jill don't find him.
V104_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill! Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: *laughs nervously* Don't scare me. Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: That's what I was going to say. Aren't you supposed to going over the first floor, Barry? Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Yeah, you're right. But just take a look at this! Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: It's Forest! Oh my god! Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: It's awful! Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_06.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I'm going to find out what caused Forest's death. It looks like he was killed by a crow, or something. Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Can you look around the first floor, Jill? Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ok. Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_09.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hey, Jill. This must have been Forest's. You don't have a weapon, take this with you. Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest.
V104_0A.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I can't believe.. Mansion 2F: Terrance / Barry and Jill find the body of Forest. / Jill talks to Barry.
V105_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Hey, what's going on? Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Barry saves Jill from the trap.
V105_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill? Is that you, Jill? What happened? Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Barry saves Jill from the trap.
V105_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Help me please! The door wont open! Quick! Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Barry saves Jill from the trap.
V105_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Stay away from the door, Jill! I'm gonna kick this door down! Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Barry saves Jill from the trap.
V105_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hurry! This way! Mansion 1F: Trap Room / Barry saves Jill from the trap.
V105_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Oh, Barry! Mansion 1F: Winding Passage / Barry saved Jill from the trap.
V105_06.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: That was too close. You were almost a Jill sandwich.
Jill: You're right. Barry, thanks for saving my life.
Mansion 1F: Winding Passage / Barry saved Jill from the trap.
V105_07.WAV Jill Jill Jill: But Barry, didn't you say you were going back to the dining room to do some research? Why on earth are you here? Mansion 1F: Winding Passage / Barry saved Jill from the trap.
V105_08.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Uh, I just had something I wanted to check. Now, let's get back to searching for the lost captain and Chris, shall we? Mansion 1F: Winding Passage / Barry saved Jill from the trap.
V105_09.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Thank you, Barry. Barry: Yeah, yeah. Mansion 1F: Winding Passage / Barry saved Jill from the trap.
V106_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry! Mansion 2F: Main Hall 2F / Barry and Jill run into each other.
V106_01.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: Jill! What's going on? Any clues?
Jill: No, but something's wrong with this house.
Barry: Woah! This hall is dangerous. Maybe it's better to secure our escape route first. There must be a back door somewhere. Let's try to find it first, shall we?
Mansion 2F: Main Hall 2F / Barry and Jill run into each other.
V106_02.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Okay, let's separate again.
Barry: Just a moment! I've found something.
Jill: What is it?
Barry: It's a weapon; it's really powerful, especially against living things.
Better take it with you.
Jill: But how about you, Barry?
Barry: I have this! Jill: Thank you.
I'll take this then.
Mansion 2F: Main Hall 2F / Barry and Jill run into each other.
V107_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: *yawns* Barry.. Barry? Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Jill wakes up after being rescued.
V108_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Is that you, Jill? Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: What's going on? How come you look so scared? Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_02.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Look at this. Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: What do you think of it? Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: I've been thinking something is wrong with this house. Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Right. Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Hey, what is this? There's a page missing. Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Yeah, I thought about that too. Perhaps that was the most important part. Mansion 2F: Study / Jill finds Barry in the Study.
V108_08.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I think I'll stay and look around more. Mansion 2F: Study / UNUSED / Jill finds Barry in the Study. / Jill talks to Barry.
V109_00.WAV Jill Albert, Barry Barry: It can't be true! I've been told a different story.
Albert: Hey, there is nothing we can do. The situation has changed.
Barry: But it's not necessary for you to destroy S.T.A.R.S.!
Albert: It's not my intention! It's Umbrella's. I can't help it.
Barry: What about my family!?
Albert: I will guarantee their safety.
Barry: So everything depends on me, huh?
Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill overhears Albert and Barry talking.
V109_10.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hi, Jill. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V109_11.WAV Jill Jill Jill: H-hi, Barry. I-I heard someone talking. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V109_12.WAV Jill Barry Barry: So you heard it too. I think I'm getting old. It seems that talking to myself has becoming a habit. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V109_13.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Talking to your self? Barry, something must have happened to you. Am I wrong? You sound strange.. Talking to yourself? Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V109_14.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Well, it seems I made you worry. But don't. Maybe I have been a nervous wreck since all of these strange things started happening. Well, I think I'll go out and get some fresh air for a change. Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V109_15.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I told ya, don't worry.. I'll just go and get some fresh air and.. be eaten by a monster! Guardhouse 1F: Room 002 / Jill runs into Barry.
V10A_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Wesker! Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_01.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Jill, so you're safe. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: That's what I was going to say. Where on earth have you been? You disappeard from the hall all of a sudden. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_03.WAV Jill Albert Albert: I'm sorry, but I have my reasons. Perhaps you guys have met them? It was all I could do to protect myself against those strange creatures. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Is that right? Anyway, it's good to see you're safe. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_05.WAV Jill Albert Albert: I met Barry too a while ago. I think there's something wrong with him. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert (plays if you overheard Albert and Barry talking).
V10A_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Yes, I agree with you. Sure was strange, wasn't he? He looked so tired. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert (plays if you overheard Albert and Barry talking).
V10A_07.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Well, maybe it quite natural under these circumstances. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert (plays if you overheard Albert and Barry talking).
V10A_08.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Jill, our first priority is to get out of here. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_09.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Yes, you're right! Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_0A.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Now there are a lot of rooms in that mansion that we can't get into because they're locked up. I have been looking around for clues.. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_0B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ok. I'll go to the other house and see if I can find any clues. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10A_0C.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Will you do that? I'm counting on you. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Jill runs into Albert.
V10C_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: *screams* Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / UNUSED
V10C_01.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: What the hell is this!?
Jill: Barry!
Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42.
V10C_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You saved me! Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42.
V10C_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Yeah. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42.
V10C_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: That was close. Thanks Barry. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42.
V10C_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Don't mention it. What a monster. I cant believe.. What the hell is this place anyway? Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / UNUSED / Barry save Jill from Plant 42 (would have played if you overheard Albert and Barry talking). Barry sounds depressed on this take.
V10C_06.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Okay, I'm gonna stay in the Soldier's Area and take a look around. Though I'm sure there are still things in that other mansion as well. Anyway, let's start searching seperately. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42. / Jill talks to Barry.
V10C_07.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ok. Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42. / Jill talks to Barry.
V10C_08.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Don't mention it. What a monster. I cant believe.. What the hell is this place anyway? Guardhouse 1F: Plant 42 Room / Barry save Jill from Plant 42.
V10D_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill, have you found anything interesting? Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn.
V10D_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Yes, but can't see very well. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn.
V10D_02.WAV Jill Barry Barry: How about going down to check by yourself? I have a rope here. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn.
V10D_03.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Oh, do you? Well then I'll try to go down using the rope. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn.
V10D_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Wait. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn.
V10D_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Yeah, Richard gave this to me. The radio is a keepsake from him. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn (didn't get a Radio from Richard).
V10D_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Richard.. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn (didn't get a Radio from Richard).
V10D_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: This is more useful to you than me. Ready to go? Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry and Jill investigate a hole on the floor left by Yawn (didn't get a Radio from Richard).
V10D_10.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Hey! What's going on? Mansion 1F: Isolated Passage / Barry drops the rope.
V10D_11.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Now I've done it. Sorry, Jill! Wait, I'll go and get another rope! Mansion 1F: Isolated Passage / Barry drops the rope.
V10D_12.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Barry! Mansion 1F: Isolated Passage / Barry drops the rope.
V10D_13.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hey! Are you there, Jill? Grab the rope! Mansion 1F: Isolated Passage / Barry sets up another rope for Jill to Climb.
V10D_14.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I'm sorry, Jill. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10D_15.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill, I didn't know that was going to happen.
Barry: Sorry. I was really careless.
Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10D_16.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Are you ok Barry? Maybe you're getting tired. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10D_17.WAV Jill Barry Barry: No, I'm alright. Don't worry. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10D_18.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill, I found something. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10D_19.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Thank you. I'll take this then. Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry helped Jill to climb back up.
V10E_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Oh, Jill. What good timing. A moment ago I heard someone's voice coming from this hall. Let's go together, since it's dark, and we can't see very well. Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him.
V10E_01.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Ok, let's go!
Barry: Ok, then I'm gonna cover you. Let's hurry!
Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says yes.
V10E_02.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hey, are you alright? I can go first if you want me to. Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says yes.
V10E_03.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Oh, yes, please. I'm a little nervous.
Barry: I understand. It may be more dangerous if you come behind me. Be careful!
Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says yes. / Jill says yes again.
V10E_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ok, let's go, Barry. I'm depending on you. Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says yes. / Jill says yes again.
V10E_05.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Barry, I..
Barry: Sure, it may be dangerous. I'll go, even if I have to go by myself. Will you be waiting here, Jill?
Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says no.
V10E_06.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: I'm sorry.
Barry: It's ok. I'm going now.
Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says no. / Jill says yes.
V10E_07.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Barry, I think I'll take some other route.
Barry: I see. Yeah, maybe you should. Be careful!
Underground: Branched Passage / Barry asks Jill to explore the underground with him. / Jill says no. / Jill says no again.
V10E_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Underground: Branched Passage / Jill hears Barry's gun go off.
V10E_09.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Lost courage already? It's not like you. Underground: Branched Passage / Jill tries to enter the Underground Entry when she's with Barry.
V10F_00.WAV Jill Enrico, Jill Enrico: Is that Jill? Jill: Is that voice Enrico's? Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico.
V10F_02.WAV Jill Enrico, Jill Enrico: Yeah?
Jill: You're alive!
Enrico: Wait there! Are you with anybody, Jill?
Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico.
V10F_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Wh-what? Oh, no. I'm alone. But why are you asking? Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is alone.
V10F_05.WAV Jill Enrico Enrico: Listen, the S.T.A.R.S. are going to be finished soon. Someone is a traitor. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is alone.
V10F_06.WAV Jill Enrico Enrico: Everything was plotted from the start by Umbrella. *groans in pain and dies* Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is alone.
V10F_07.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Enrico.. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is alone.
V10F_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Who killed him, I wonder. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is alone.
V10F_10.WAV Jill Enrico, Jill Enrico: Is that Jill? Jill: Is that voice Enrico's? Underground: Enrico Room / UNUSED / Jill finds wounded Enrico.
V10F_12.WAV Jill Enrico, Jill Enrico: Yeah?
Jill: You're alive!
Enrico: Wait there! Are you with anybody, Jill?
Underground: Enrico Room / UNUSED / Jill finds wounded Enrico.
V10F_15.WAV Jill Jill Jill: What? Oh yes. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_16.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Enrico! Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_17.WAV Jill Enrico Enrico: So, Barry and Jill together. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_18.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Are you alright, Enrico? Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_19.WAV Jill Enrico Enrico: The S.T.A.R.S. are doomed. Someone is a traitor. Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_1A.WAV Jill Enrico Enrico: Everything was plotted from the start by Umbrella. *groans in pain and dies* Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V10F_1B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Enrico! Underground: Enrico Room / Jill finds wounded Enrico. / Jill is with Barry.
V110_00.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: What happened?
Barry: Uhh.. I'm really embarrassed. I was clumsy.
Jill: Oh, you don't have to talk. I'm going to give you first aid!
Barry: Maybe my time's come. Jill, take this. I've been cheating you all f-from the start. If you can forgive me, could you please give this to my family? And if you can, please, try to protect them.
Jill: What do you mean by that, Barry? Don't give up!
Barry: Uh.. Jill, be careful of that guy. *gasps* Please, stay alive. *dying breath*
Laboratory B2: Ladder room / Jill finds Barry mortally wounded.
V110_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry.. Laboratory B2: Ladder room / UNUSED / Jill finds Barry mortally wounded. / Jill examines Barry's dead body.
V111_00.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hey, I was looking for you. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
V111_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry.. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
V111_02.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill, don't be angry. I wanted you to wait for me. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
V111_03.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry, don't screw up again, like you did when you dropped that rope. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
V111_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill! You're here too! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet.
V111_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Yes, you're here too!? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet.
V111_06.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Look, uh.. I lost my way. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet.
V111_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Now, where are we? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Looks like a meeting room. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_09.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Does it work? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_0A.WAV Jill Jill Jill: I'm going to try it. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_0B.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Ooh.. What is this? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_0C.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Let's get going! Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_0D.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You're quiet. What are you worrying about? Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V111_0E.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Nothing. Don't worry. Laboratory B2: Visual Data Room / UNUSED / Barry and Jill meet. / Barry and Jill use the projector.
V112_10.WAV Jill Jill Jill: *cries in pain* Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / UNUSED / Jill finds Chris dead.
V112_11.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Jill? Is that you, Jill? Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V112_12.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Oh, Chris! You're alive! Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V112_13.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Ofcourse. Damn it. We're in quite prediciment, Jill. Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V112_14.WAV Jill Jill Jill: I know Chris. Anyway, I have to open this room. Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V112_15.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Uh, it doesn't work! Well, Chris.. I'll be sure to come back and help you soon. Will you wait here? Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V112_16.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Thanks! I'll be waiting here for you. Laboratory B3: Cell Entry / Jill finds Chris in a cell but the door is locked.
V115_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Wesker.. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_01.WAV Jill Albert Albert: You did a fine job, Barry. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Just as I thought. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_03.WAV Jill Albert Albert: I think you should stay away from Barry, Jill. I hear that his wife and two daughters will be in danger if he doesn't do everything I tell him to. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You are so cruel! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_05.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Well, you don't have to worry about anything; because you'll be free from this world very soon, Jill. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Why do you have to destroy S.T.A.R.S.? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_07.WAV Jill Albert Albert: That's Umbrella's intention. This laboratory has been engaging in dangerous experiments, and recently an accident has occurred. Anyway, this disaster cannot be made public. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Stats why having S.T.A.R.S. nosing about so inconvenient. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_09.WAV Jill Jill Jill: So, you're a slave of Umbrella now? Along with these virus monsters! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0A.WAV Jill Albert Albert: I think you misunderstand me, Jill. To me, the monsters you mention mean nothing. I'm going to burn all of them together, with this entire laboratory. I must complete my mission, as ordered by Umbrella. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0B.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Barry, go up on the ground and wait there. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0C.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0D.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Barry's such a fool. Hell be under the control of Umbrella forever. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0E.WAV Jill Jill Jill: How come both Umbrella and you can intimidate him, by taking his family as hostages? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_0F.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Umbrella? Well, I intimidated him, but it had nothing to do with Umbrella. I just used him for my personal purposes. Though both you and Barry seemed to think I was following orders from Umbrella. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_10.WAV Jill Jill Jill: So, you're planning something else? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_11.WAV Jill Albert Albert: If you succeeded in developing the world's most powerful biological weapon, what would you do? What if you were in charge? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_12.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You must stop this now. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_13.WAV Jill Albert Albert: You're a brave girl. But if I were you, I wouldn't give up such a big discovery. You guys are idiots. No one understands its real value. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_14.WAV Jill Jill Jill: So, you're going to steal all the research? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_15.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Better yet, I'm going to show you the Tyrant. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert.
V115_16.WAV Jill Albert Albert: *cries in pain* Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_17.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_18.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Sorry, Jill. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_19.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: How is your family?
Barry: Uh, I was listening to what you and Wesker were talking about. I wish I'd realized it earlier. I thought it must have something to do with Umbrella, ya know..
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1A.WAV Jill Barry Barry: So it all been masterminded by him! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Well, it's good that you know that now. Anyway, let's get out this house first. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1C.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1D.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Yes, what?
Barry: Do you have any idea what Wesker was going to show you, at the back of this place?
Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1E.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Well, he was talking about the world's most powerful biological weapon, called Tyrant, or something, I-I think. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_1F.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Do you think we could see Tyrant now? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_20.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry, you're so optimistic. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_21.WAV Jill Barry Barry: It would look bad for S.T.A.R.S. if we let such a dangerous creature run loose. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V115_22.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Maybe you're right. Let's go then. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill meet Albert. / Barry comes back for Jill.
V116_00.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Tyrant virus is a super virus; which creates a monster which is much stronger than human beings. Tyrant is the most powerful biological weapon in the world. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You don't mean you're experimenting on real people!? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_02.WAV Jill Albert Albert: This is really beautiful. All this power will be mine. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_03.WAV Jill Albert Albert: For the sake of an awful creature? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_04.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Don't be upset. All weak people exist to be eaten. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: It can't control what it does. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V116_06.WAV Jill Albert Albert: *screams in agony* Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V116_10.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Don't come this way! No! *screams in agony* Laboratory B4: Main Lab / UNUSED / Albert shows Jill the Tyrant.
V117_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Could a creature like this really be the ultimate biolocical weapon? Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Really. Wesker is a crazy man! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Tyrant is not completely developed. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: But we can't let it live! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: That must be computer for monitoring this creature. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Damn you! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V117_10.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry? Barry! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant. / Jill wakes up Barry.
V117_11.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You're alive! Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant. / Jill wakes up Barry.
V117_12.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Uh.. I'm really embarassed. I was clumsy. Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant. / Jill wakes up Barry.
V117_13.WAV Jill Barry Barry: *groans in pain* Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant.
V118_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: What happened to Wesker? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill find Albert missing.
V118_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Wesker must have set it off. There's not much time left for us. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Barry and Jill find Albert missing.
V119_00.WAV Jill Chris, Jill Chris: Oh, Jill!
Jill: Sorry for keeping you waiting!
Chris: So, everything is done?
Jill: Well, almost, yes. Now let's go!
Laboratory B3: Cell / Jill comes back to release Chris.
V119_01.WAV Jill Chris, Jill Chris: Oh Jill!
Jill: Oh Chris! So you're okay!
Chris: Yeah! You too! What happened to Wesker?
Jill: Let's talk about it later. Let's get out of here!
Laboratory B3: Cell / Jill releases Chris from jail.
V11A_00.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Jill! Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_01.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I, Jill.. It's you.. Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Jill finds mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_02.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Jill: Barry?
Barry: I'm really embarrased to see you now. Just, just leave. Go quickly..
Jill: It's over Barry. Wesker's dead.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Jill finds mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_03.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: Is that so? Jill, will you do me a favour? This is my last wish. P-please give this photo to my f-family, will you?
Jill: Sure.
Barry: Forgive me, Jill. *dying breath*
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Jill finds mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_04.WAV Jill Chris Chris: My god! Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Let's get going Chris. We can't stop! Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris and Jill find mortally wounded Barry.
V11A_06.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hurry! Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / UNUSED / Jill caught up with Barry.
V11B_00.WAV Jill Brad Brad: This is Brad. I'm running out of fuel. If there is anyone alive, contact me now, ok!? This is your last.. Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S.
V11B_01.WAV Jill Chris, Jill Jill: Oh no! You must be kidding! After we've come all the way here!
Chris: Ladies first. Go first Jill!
Jill: But Chris!
Chris: Give me a chance to play nice guy.
Jill: Ok, I leave it up to you. See you again at the heliport.
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Chris tells Jill to use the emergency elevator first.
V11B_02.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: Damn it! We have only one more step to go. Ok, I'll go. Jill, you try to contact Brad!
Jill: Ok!
Laboratory B1: Emergency Tunnel / Barry tells Jill to use the emergency elevator first.
V11B_03.WAV Jill Brad Brad: It's coming! Jill, kill that monster! You're our amazon, Jill! Courtyard: Heliport / Brad drops a Rocket Launcher for Jill.
V11B_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hurry! Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED
V11B_07.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Let's go. Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED
V11B_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Let's get going. Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED
VA00_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: *screams* Mansion 1F: Mansion Save Room / Chris saw Rebecca getting attacked by a Hunter in West Stairway 1F and ran.
Mansion 2F: 'C' Passage / Chris saw Rebecca getting attacked by a hunter in Small Library and ran.
VA00_01.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: That was too close. Let's go together.
Jill: Okay, let's go!
Barry: Okay, then I'm gonna cover you. Let's hurry!
Underground: Generator Room / Barry and Jill get attacked by a Hunter.
VA00_02.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Underground: Generator Room / UNUSED
VA00_03.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Hurry! Laboratory B1: Laboratory Entry / Jill caught up with Barry.
VA00_04.WAV Jill Chris Chris: Let's go! Laboratory B3: Private Corridor / Chris runs ahead of Jill.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Jill caught up with Chris.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Jill left and came back to Ladder Room.
VA00_05.WAV Chris Jill Jill: Let's get going! Laboratory B3: Private Corridor / Jill runs ahead of Chris.
Laboratory B2: Ladder Room / Chris caught up with Jill.
VA01_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Richard! What happened? Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_01.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Oh, Jill. This house is dangerous. There are terrible demons.. Ouch! Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You're wounded! What kind of demon attacked you? Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_03.WAV Jill Richard Richard: It was a huge snake, and also poisonous. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Poisonous? Oh no. Richard, hold on! Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_05.WAV Jill Richard Richard: There is serum.. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_06.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Oh no. I should've brought some with me. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_07.WAV Jill Jill Jill: No problem. I'll go and get it! Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_08.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Thanks! Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard.
VA01_09.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Here's the serum! Richard, hold on! I'll give you a shot now. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard. / Jill returns with the serum in time.
VA01_0A.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Jill, here's my radio. You should keep it. I'm.. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard. / Jill returns with the serum in time.
VA01_0B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: No! Richard! Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard. / Jill returns with the serum in time.
VA01_0C.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Jill, be careful! U-uh.. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard. / Jill returns with the serum in time.
VA01_0D.WAV Jill Richard Richard: Be careful. Mansion 2F: Pillar Passage / Jill finds wounded Richard. / Jill returns without the serum and talks to Richard.
VA02_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Wesker! Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_01.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Chris! You're alive. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_02.WAV Chris Chris Chris: My words exactly. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Where's Jill? Aren't you with Jill? Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_04.WAV Chris Albert Albert: I'm sorry. We were attacked by a strange monster. I lost track of her when were scouting around. I hope she's ok. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I see. Well, it's not your fault. This place is crazy! If we stay here, all of us will end up dead! What should we do, Wesker? Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_06.WAV Chris Albert Albert: We have to complete this mission. Whether we escape or stay and look for Jill, we don't have many bullets left, and we can't even protect ourselves. We're still in trouble. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_07.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Chris, there are a lot of locked rooms in that house. Check them out one more time. There must be a place to hide safely. I'll look around the house a little more. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_08.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Ok. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA02_09.WAV Chris Albert Albert: Let's get going. Guardhouse 1F: Central Corridor / Chris runs into Albert.
VA03_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Wesker.. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_01.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Barry is no longer uselful. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_02.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Just as I thought. You were the man behind all of this. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_03.WAV Jill Albert Albert: *laughs* Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_04.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Why do you have to destroy S.T.A.R.S.? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_05.WAV Jill Albert Albert: That's Umbrella's intention. This laboratory has been conducting dangerous experiments, and recently an accident occured. Anyway, this disaster can't be made public. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ah, that's why having S.T.A.R.S. nosing about is so inconvinient. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_07.WAV Jill Jill Jill: So you're slave of Umbrella now? Along with these virus monsters! Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_08.WAV Jill Albert Albert: I think you misunderstand me, Jill. To me, the monsters you mention mean nothing. I'm going to burn and destroy them all along with everything in this entire laboratory. I must complete my mission, as ordered by Umbrella. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_09.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ah, so you're planning something else? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_0A.WAV Jill Albert Albert: If you succeeded in developing the world's most powerful biolocical weapon, what would you do? What if you were in charge? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_0B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: You must stop this now. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_0C.WAV Jill Albert Albert: You're a brave girl. I wouldn't give up such a discovery. You guys are idiots. No one understand it's real value. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_0D.WAV Jill Jill Jill: So, you're going to steal all the research? Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA03_0E.WAV Jill Albert Albert: Better yet, I'm going to show you the Tyrant. Laboratory B4: Main Lab Entry / UNUSED / Jill meets Albert.
VA04_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: What? Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage / UNUSED / Jill finds Richard's radio.
VA04_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: It must be a S.T.A.R.S. radio. It's slighty broken, but it's still usable. I'll take it with me. Mansion 1F: Roofed Passage / UNUSED / Jill finds Richard's radio.
VA05_01.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Brad! This is Jill! Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
VA05_03.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Brad? Brad! Courtyard: Courtyard Garden / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio.
VA05_05.WAV Jill Jill Jill: This is Jill. Brad? It broken! Courtyard: Guardhouse Gate / Brad tries to contact S.T.A.R.S. via radio again.
VA06_00.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Am I poisoned? Damn it! Give me serum! Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Chris has been poisoned by yawn.
VA07_00.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Am I poisoned? Give me the serum.. Mansion 2F: Attic Entry / Jill has been is poisoned by yawn.
VA08_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: This room fullu equipped with medical supplies. I can treat you, except for your major injury. Would you like me to? Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds.
VA08_01.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Yes, please do something for me temporalily. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says yes.
VA08_02.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Most of these medicines are from Umbrella. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
VA08_03.WAV Chris Chris Chris: What's Umbrella? Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
VA08_04.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Don't you know? It's a large-scale pharmaceutical company based in Raccoon City. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
VA08_05.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Oh, I see. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
VA08_06.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Well, probably there is enough for two doses. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / UNUSED Rebecca can heal Chris unlimited times in this room.
VA08_07.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Are you alright? Want me to treat it? Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris returns to the room and talks to Rebecca.
VA08_08.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, be careful! Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris returns to the room and talks to Rebecca. / Chris says yes. / Chris talks to Rebecca after she treats her.
VA08_09.WAV Chris Chris Chris: I'm ok. But if something happens to me, please take care of me. Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris says no.
VA08_0A.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris, take care! Guardhouse 1F: Drug Storeroom / Chris talks to Rebecca and she offers to treat Chris's wounds. / Chris talks to Rebecca after he said yes or no to her.
VA09_00.WAV Chris Rebecca Rebecca: Chris! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Rebecca caught up with Chris.
VA09_01.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Rebecca, you're safe!
Rebecca: I saw you in the garden. I've caught up with you at last!
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Rebecca caught up with Chris.
VA09_02.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Rebecca, you're safe!
Rebecca: I'm sorry.
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / UNUSED / Rebecca caught up with Chris.
VA09_03.WAV Chris Chris, Rebecca Chris: Well, I'm glad you're alright. Don't go out alone.
Rebecca: Yes sir!
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Rebecca caught up with Chris.
VA09_04.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't follow Barry in the Underground).
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant. / Jill wakes up Barry.
VA09_05.WAV Jill Barry Barry: I was looking for you. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
VA09_06.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry.. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
VA09_07.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Jill, don't be angry. I wanted you to wait for me. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
VA09_08.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Barry, don't screw up again, like you did when you dropped that rope. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't wait for Barry to get another rope).
VA09_09.WAV Jill Barry, Jill Barry: Jill! You're here too!
Jill: Yes, you're here too?
Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't follow Barry in the Underground).
VA09_0A.WAV Jill Barry Barry: Look, uh.. I lost my way. Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't follow Barry in the Underground).
VA09_0B.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Let's get going! Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Barry cought up with Jill (Jill didn't follow Barry in the Underground).
Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Barry and Jill go see the Tyrant. / Jill wakes up Barry.
VB00_00.WAV Jill SFX Mansion 2F: Lesson room / Barry sets up a rope for Jill to climb.
VB00_01.WAV Jill SFX Mansion 1F: Isolated Passage / Barry drops the rope.
VB00_02.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Mansion 1F / Isolated Passage / Tombstone moves.
VB00_10.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Tyrant bursts trough the glass tank.
VB00_11.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Laboratory B4: Main Lab / Tyrant's tank is draining.
VB00_20.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Underground Laboratory: Small lab / Computer turns on.
VB00_21.WAV Chris Chris Chris: Damn! Underground Laboratory: Small lab / Computer doesn't accept Chris's input.
VB00_22.WAV Jill Jill Jill: Ugh! Underground Laboratory: Small lab / Computer doesn't accept Jill's input.
VB00_30.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / Firing the Flare.
VB00_31.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED / Tyrant burst trough the floor.
VB00_31A.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / Tyrant burst trough the floor.
VB00_31B.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED / Tyrant burst trough the floor.
VB00_31C.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED / Tyrant burst trough the floor.
VB00_31D.WAV Chris/Jill SFX Courtyard: Heliport / UNUSED / Tyrant burst trough the floor.
VB00_40.WAV Chris SFX Laboratory B3: Elevator Entry / Chris and Rebecca exit the elevator. / Rebecca enters Power Maze 1.
re1_voice_index.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/19 02:36 by 3lric